Mar 22, 2009 update on ae86andkp61's Toyota Corolla GT-S

Aesthetic upgrade as well

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I don’t just want to get the mechanical stuff in order with this new engine; while it is out and apart I am doing a bit of an update in the looks department.

I unbolted everything I could from the block and took it to the powdercoater for some gloss grey. I want a unique look and the ability to spot leaks with ease. The shade is a very close match for the high temp engine primer I have, so I will rattlecan the block and then hit it with a high-temp gloss clear coat. The timing gear backing plate and spark plug valley cover are winkle black, and the cam covers are wrinkle red with the raised lettering in polished aluminum. Should look nice with aluminum cam gears and the individual throttle bodies hanging off the intake side of things!

The little part in the box is a Tom’s adjustable fuel pressure regulator, originally designed for touring cars in Japan, it bolts to the stock fuel rail for a tidy and simple install. My new injectors are calibrated for 43psi and the stock fuel rail is typically more like 35-38psi, so this should allow me the pressure I need.


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