Jul 29, 2010 update on ansonivan's 1997 Ford e150

Transmission work

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Last night I performed the ‘J-mod’ on the van’s 4r70w, this involved enlarging several holes in the valve body separator plate and removing one of the 1-2 shift accumulator springs. The idea behind the j-mod is the same as any auto transmission shift kit; quicker more positive shifts to prolong transmission life. The work was easy but messy, I hate messy.

I also replaced the 2-3 shift accumulator piston since the seals were worn causing an extremely late 2-3 upshift.

Took me about three hours to complete the work, the transmission is now shifting great aside from a sledgehammer 1-2 shift thanks to the spring I removed. I’ll have to drop the pan to re-install the spring, I don’t know why people recommend that as part of the mod since it causes an abusively hard shift.

Info on j-mod:

[url]http://www.crownvic.net/tech/4R70Wnotes.pdf[/url] [url]http://www.tccoa.com/articles/tranny/shiftybusiness.html[/url] [url]http://…]


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