Started on Oct. 5 by mad_machine

1991 Saab 1991 900 S


My $300 daily. PIcked her up for a song after the previous owner started coming down with drivability problems. All she needed was a complete tuneup. 223,000 miles and still counting.

Latest updates
June 07
Currently Dead

In the middle of a post mortum.. but the sounds of death were very traumatic. …

Dec. 30
My Exhaust is on it's way

four months of running around with a single muffler tackwelded onto a leaky pipe is …

Oct. 05
16" Aero Rims

all neatly painted up and put on. not bad for $150 plus the price of …

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Oct. 6, 2010, 1:03 a.m.

Nice! Love the spot lamps.

June 7, 2011, 9:41 a.m.

The spots are a lovem or hatem thing. Most people I know in person hate them.. but they make up for the lack of lighting the Stock US lights put out

June 7, 2011, 11:07 a.m.

Also jealous of your 16" Aero wheels...I'm realising just how hard they are to find!

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