Feb 25, 2011 update on m4ff3w's 1984 Maserati Biturbo

getting there...

I’ve put about 500 miles on her since Tuesday morning. I went up to Ft Hood on Wednesday for work. There was a horrible stumble around atmospheric pressure. High idle and boost were both OK.

With the assistance of Adam I put in new plugs @ San Marcos, but that did not resolve the issue. It helped some, but did not resolve. Then Jonny gave me a MSD Blaster 2 and that seemed to help some but did not resolve the issue either.

Yesterday, I went out and checked the pressure pods on the distributor as the suggestion of a member of the Yahoo BiturboZentrum group. The diaphragms did not leak and they did actuate.

On the way home, I was surprised that the stumble is gone. I think the advance mechanism was jammed.

I also believe I have identified the reason for low boost, the AMAL valve leaks internally.


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