Started on Nov. 8 by Powar

1994 Mazda Protegé

This is my latest $500 shitbox from hell: A(nother) ‘94 Protegé DX. I had another one a couple of years ago and its the only car out of 30+ that I honestly regretted selling. The first one got great fuel economy, was presentable and was really, really reliable. That brings us to this one- it’ll be better than the first and hopefully will serve my girlfriend and I well for years to come. It needs a steering rack (fail seals and boots), tires (Miata wheels and tires will do the trick), some front suspension work and A LOT of cleaning.

Latest updates
Nov. 08
Cleaning and replacing some interior bits...

This car had been driven daily by the previous owner for about two years and …

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Nov. 10, 2011, 6:35 p.m.

I like the truck too!

Jan. 21, 2012, 7:16 p.m.

How's this thing coming? I will soon be in the market for a new DD, and I am thinking of going for an economical, fuel efficient, yet fun, car. I am just wondering how you like the little single cam motor or if I should just look for the LX model. Oh, and I'm wondering how the interior cleaning went. :-)

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