Started on July 17 by windsordeluxe

1992 Volvo 240 Wagon

What else can you say about a car that you purchased sight unseen for $250, got it running in 30 minutes after it had been sitting 2 yrs, then took off on a 300 mile trip to take the car home with me. After a year of ownership, the 240 has become a trusted companion. It has made trips to Carolina Motorsports Park, Summit Point and another 20,000 miles of drudgery. It has hauled a couch, provided a place to sleep on numerous occasions and pulled a trailer that weighed more than the Swedish engineers ever intended a 2.3 liter 4cyl ever intended it to pull. The off road prowess is limited and the side view mirrors are the most important factor in limiting body roll, but I’m more than impressed with a car that has 310,000 miles on most of its original parts.

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