Started on March 24 by pheller

1989 Nissan 240SX

Bought this after someone helped me wreck my 1998 Ford ZX2. That was a good car. Bought it for $800, put another $800 into it, got 30mpg, looked good, drove good. Sigh Anyway, was tired of driving boring cars and wanted something RWD. Decided to jump on the band-wagon, but not for the drifting. Always liked the coupes. Picked it up for a bit more than I should have (considering every previous vehicle I owned I bought for less than $800). I ended up selling this after a year of ownership mainly because the KA was just too inefficient for a daily driver. I also wanted something that could haul my mountain bike and camping gear with more ease. Rust may have been another issue as well…the rear frame above the gas tank was rotting away, and it had been previously foam filled at the forward frame rails. If I had a welder this wouldn’t be a big deal, but for my broke-ass…it wasn’t to be.

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Oct. 02
New Owner

3 years later the buyer of my old 240SX has since put the car on …

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May 10, 2009, 8:29 p.m.

This looks EXACTLY like my first car...right down to the '91-'93 alloys...I want...Gah! You wouldn't be interested in trades, would you?

Nov. 28, 2009, 9:20 p.m.

Nice! I always liked the pig-nose version. Twin cam or single? Good photo, by the way.

April 8, 2011, 8:45 p.m.

That is a great photo!

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