Readers’ Rides

Oct 14, 2016
1998 Peugeot 406 Coupe V6

When the French and the Italians come together […] to build a car, run. Run for your life.” - Clarkson. Luckily they did a good job on this one. Stuff a 3L V6 into a little chassis like this and …

Nov 10, 2015
2012 Peugeot BIKES!

Main transportation: bicycle

Jul 25, 2013
1991 Peugeot 505 SR

Peugeot 505 SR

Jul 02, 2013
1990 Peugeot 205 gti

Dedicated race car competing at club level events in Australia. 200hp with 1500lbs is a great combo, eats chev powered race cars for breakfast. I have built this car overthe last 8 years and the best achievment to date is …

May 14, 2013
1989 Peugeot 405 MI16

Hi, 1989 Peugeot 405 MI16 for sale in Connecticut. Needs restoration, currently not running. More photos available. Make offer. Please contact, if interested. Thank you

Aug 17, 2021
1986 Peugeot 505 5 Speed Turbo Diesel Wagon

This wagon is my daily driver. this 505 org. had a gas engine, the previous owner installed the turbo diesel engine. It is rare to se the 505TD wagon with a 5 speed manual, It is a real nice combination, …

Aug 17, 2021
1984 Peugeot 604 Turbo Diesel Automatick

I bought this 604GTD in NC in March 2009, I had been searching for a good 604 for sometime, looked at several, most was very rusty or overpriced. This one is about as rustfree as any 604 one could find, …

Aug 17, 2021
1987 Peugeot 505 Turbo S

Original paint, original interior, in perfect shape. People ask “where do you get parts for a Peugeot?” I answer that I don’t need parts. However brake pads are Porsche 944, Bosche Fuel injection and hoses and belts come from the …

Aug 17, 2021
1986 Peugeot 505 Turbo

After being used on a Peugeot commercial, this car won SCCA’s Showroom Stock B National Championship 2 years in a row. It then was driven as a street car for 17 years and now has 180,000 miles on it. It …

Aug 17, 2021
1984 Peugeot 505 sti

Xn6 4cyl, 3spd auto

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