Carolina Motorsports Park articles, project cars, conversations, and more

Carolina Motorsports Park News

Have a cool car? We'd love to see it at Gridlife on March 31-April 2

Hang out with your friends from GRM and see our VW GTI project car at Gridlife on March 31-April 2–we'll also be looking for cars and stories to feature, too.

Our V6 Miata: Lucky Dog at Carolina Motorsports Park

Adding a few finishing touches before our V6 Miata does battle this weekend in the Carolinas.

Two Lemons Racers to Run in Two 24-Hour Races During the Same Weekend

As a well-known source of only good ideas, the 24 Hours of Lemons is going to hold two 24-hour races during the same weekend.

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Carolina Motorsports Park articles

Columns: Endurance racing & stock cars: Do they have anything in common?

Does stock car racing on ovals and endurance racing on road courses share anything in common besides four wheels on their vehicles?

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Carolina Motorsports Park project car updates

This weekend: Come see us race Lucky Dog Racing League at CMP

It’s that time again–time to go racing with our LFX V6-powered Mazda Miata.

This weekend, September 21-22, we’re competing in Lucky Dog Racing League’s Southern Dawg Delight at …

Haste makes waste: What happens when you rush to race

“At least the winch is working!” “Yeah, this trailer is sweet! So, where do you want all the parts?”

We’d ended an endurance race in our LFX V6-swapped …

What you learn from your first time racing a new car

[GRM+ members read this article first. Subscribe and gain access to more exclusive content for only $3/month.]

For years we’d built and built: Through Covid, through supply chain challenges, through multiple shops 500 miles apart, we’d kept working …

Is our improved, do-it-all GTI really capable of doing it all?

Lots of things look great on paper, but there’s a reason the idiom is famous. We’ve written plenty about why we think our Mk7 Volkswagen Golf GTI is …

Our V6 Miata's debut: really fast but .... | Project Endurance Race Miata

How did our V6 Miata fair racing with Lucky Dog at Carolina Motorsports Park this past weekend? It’s a good-news, bad-news sort of situation.

The good news is …

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