With a slight headwind, apparently, an F-22 Raptor can be flown backwards. The same plane can cruise supersonic without afterburner. At recent airshow, I also saw one go from a nose high "hover" to complete a full pirouette in about 4 lengths of the plane. It is also the single loudest human creation I've ever witnessed.
kazoospec said:
With a slight headwind, apparently, an F-22 Raptor can be flown backwards. The same plane can cruise supersonic without afterburner. At recent airshow, I also saw one go from a nose high "hover" to complete a full pirouette in about 4 lengths of the plane. It is also the single loudest human creation I've ever witnessed.
That's really cool but you need to get to Cape Canaveral or Vandenberg AFB based on that last statement and witness a launch!
Something I learned at work: There is one man, I don't remember his name or job title, who is basically a consultant on where to locate factories and offices around the world. He effectively controls where most large businesses expand to, and a small industry has grown up around influencing this one man's opinions.
7/17/19 8:47 p.m.
Knurled. said:
In reply to Mndsm :
I bought Total Recall just so I could re-watch it from that perspective. But I never actually got around to it.
"Blue sky on Mars?"
The thing is, the beginning of the movie was the insertion. Dead-end construction worker has a house that awesome? He really is the spy, the construction worker life was the inserted memory...
Maybe the future was more prophetic than usual and the blue collar dudes rule the earth like we're headed for now. The plumbers shall rule all.
My mind is blown this thread isn’t longer. I expected more mind blowing information.
7/19/19 9:37 p.m.
In reply to Datsun310Guy :
There is only one thing grm does not know, and that is whatever the hell that one weird spike tool with the knobs on the end is.
MASH ran considerably longer than the actual Korean war.
Interesting how many of these are temporal "Point B to the present is longer than point A to point B."
It is one of my favorite types of bogglers, generally speaking.
7/20/19 12:10 a.m.
The Duesenberg Model J built in 1928 had:
Dual over head cams with shim-under-bucket adjustment.
4 Valves per cylinder
Pent roof chambers.
Hydraulic anti-lock (very primitive) brakes.
Could do 100mph in second gear.
320hp in the supercharged version making it the highest hp to weight ratio of any American production car until Chrysler introduced the letter cars.
Gary Cooper and Clark Gable both owned the only two shortened, model J's which were tuned to produce 400hp.
The most expensive J was bodied by Bohman & Schwartz and cost $20,000 in 1937.
7/20/19 12:21 a.m.
There are around 1200 individual parts in the zero-lash valvetrain system of a V12 Packard.
7/20/19 12:30 a.m.
In 1934 Ab Jenkins ran a Pierce-Arrow V12 at Bonneville for 24 hours, covering 2700 miles, averaging 112 mph.
7/20/19 12:49 a.m.
They let the Beast of Turin run the hillclimb at Goodwood. In the wet.
During my time in the sandbox I was driving along a paved highway at almost exactly 60 mph when I was passed. In the soft sand. By an M1A1 Abrams main battle tank. Interesting to see 70 tons on tracks doing 70+.

In 1959 this dude nearly put himself into orbit in an F4 Phantom. Talk about big brass ones! (And he didn’t “shut down” the engines, they berkeleying flamed out due to lack of oxygen at 90,000 feet)
The guidance counselor from south park is Mr mmmkay. But pronounced mackie.
7/20/19 10:08 a.m.
Jay_W said:
They let the Beast of Turin run the hillclimb at Goodwood. In the wet.
I would do unspeakable things for a ride in that car.
7/20/19 3:22 p.m.
^Me too. But I would be *terrified*. The only car I can think of that is all around scarier than this is a top fuel dragster from the driver-behind-the -engine days.
In reply to Mndsm :
I legit thought it was like a medieval European mortuary tool. Used to remove brains or something.
Tom cruise is eight years older than Wilfred Brimley was in Cocoon.
The Women's 100m dash record is still held by Flo Jo. She set it in 1988. The fastest High School boys have consistently been running faster for at least a decade.
7/21/19 12:29 a.m.
Jet engines have problems handling supersonic air coming into them. It results in a flameout or "unstart". It pretty much put the fire out in the engine.
The SR-71 is capable of flying at mach 3.3.
The J58 engines in the SR-71 take the incoming air, slow it down to subsonic speed, dump the excess air via a bypass system, feed the subsonic air to the compressor where it is shoved into the combustor, fuel is added, ignited, sent through the power turbines that drive the compressor, then into the afterburner where more fuel is added and the exhaust comes out the back faster than the aircraft is traveling.
The fuel in the SR-71 is also the hydraulic fluid and serves as a coolant to cool down the leading edge of the wing so it won't be damaged by the heat generated at speed.
The J58 is also the only engine ever designed to use reheat (afterburner) 100% of the time.
The maximum flight speed of the SR-71 isn't limited by the capabilities of the airframe or aerodynamics, it's limited by the temperature of the air entering the engine's compressor section which is only rated for 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
All this was done by some incredible people with slide rulers in the 1960's.