Started on Aug. 5 by RacerX69

1971 Datsun 240Z

This car has been a ICSCC D/E Production race car since 1979. I picked it up in 1989, and completely stripped it and went through it from top to bottom. It had a bolt in roll bar (no cage) when I got it, so I put a full cage into it, and pretty much made everything new. I even stripped off about 20 layers of paint! In my first season I finished 3rd in the Conference E Production points. I was regional champ in ‘97. After the turn of the century, I scaled back the amount of racing I was doing so I could afford to build a house. Somewhere along the way a fuel pump quit and I melted a few pistons, so it is now resting in the shop, awaiting a fresh engine. Meanwhile I rent from fellow racers once or twice a year to keep my license current. Last season I rented a second gen RX7 from a buddy and ran in Radial Sedan at Pacific Raceways in Seattle. I put the car on the pole, dominated the race and won! I’ll be back soon!

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