How to make driving better? Make it about "us" instead of "me."

By Colin Wood
Sep 27, 2023 | Driving, Column, Blog, Traffic | Posted in Columns | Never miss an article

Photography Credit: Wesley Tingey/Unsplash

So many people seem to picture driving a car as a singular activity when it’s actually a group effort.

This is most evident almost every time I’m commuting on I-4.

That lane starts moving marginally faster than the one I’m in? Time to cut someone off.

Oh, the few hundred yards left of on ramp is open? I better blast up that as fast as possible and then force my way back in.

Even though you might feel like it’s just you stuck in sea of bumper-to-bumper traffic as you try to get home at a reasonable hour, the reality is that same gridlock confines you and pretty much everyone else on that stretch of road.

So, if we are all stuck together, why not try to find ways to make it suck less for everyone?

If we all work together to get through traffic–like letting people merge and all driving at the same pace–I think we can all make driving suck less, and maybe even fix a few traffic problems in some areas.

At any rate, I can only drive as fast as the slowest car ahead of me, so there’s no need to tailgate.

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Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/27/23 12:26 p.m.

I am all for it, but it's going to have to start with people putting their phones down and paying attention to their driving.

Until that happens, there is no teamwork. 


Japanspec Reader
9/27/23 12:36 p.m.

I'm generally a slow driver (driving at the speed limit around here is considered slow apparently) because I just dont see the pleasure in speeding on a straight business route hoping a cop isn't tucked into one of the blind alleyways. The twisties are a different story, but still reasonable speeds.

Anyway, where I was going with this is, can someone explain to me that why on the highway when I'm in the far right lane just cruising 5mph above, people will still come right up to my bumper IN THE RIGHT LANE, and then pass me when the lane to my left was EMPTY the whole time they were catching up to me? Am I in the wrong here? I'm basically moving along with the semis...

Colin Wood
Colin Wood Associate Editor
9/27/23 12:42 p.m.
Toyman! said:

I am all for it, but it's going to have to start with people putting their phones down and paying attention to their driving.

Valid point. Phones are certainly a hazard for just about everyone on the road.

MiniDave HalfDork
9/27/23 12:43 p.m.

I've always felt this way - that we're all just trying to get somewhere and it works better when people help each other rather than fight.

But I guess it's just the competitive nature of our fight to be at the front or something.

And about tailgating.......why does this upset people so much? I mean the guy behind you is not going to hit you, you're not really in any kind of danger that adding a car length would clear up, so why the anger? I just ignore them.....

I think some people tailgate thinking that it will push you to go faster, but if you're already running 5 or 10 over (in the right lane of course) on the cruise control, what do they think you should do? Me, I just carry on.....

I can only drive one car at a time  laugh

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/27/23 12:44 p.m.

In reply to Japanspec :

Most people aren't paying attention to the road that far in front of their car. They don't read traffic. They climb behind the wheel and turn off their brain. They are zoned out and just follow the cow in front of them.

I have a friend who will run 10 over the speed limit on an interstate until he comes up behind a car running 20 under the speed limit. He is zoned out and just follows that car until you mention that he's running 50 in a 70. He then wakes up enough to pass, speeds up to 80, and does the exact same thing again. He also doesn't see speed limit signs. He will roll into a 35 at 55 and just keep going 55. He will also roll into a 55 from a 35 and keep going 35. I won't ride with him. Neither will his wife. 

Colin Wood
Colin Wood Associate Editor
9/27/23 12:44 p.m.

In reply to Japanspec :

I don't think you're in the wrong at all. I try to move with the flow/speed of traffic, but if it's just me on the road, you best believe I'm sticking to the speed limit.

Colin Wood
Colin Wood Associate Editor
9/27/23 12:47 p.m.
MiniDave said:

I mean the guy behind you is not going to hit you, you're not really in any kind of danger that adding a car length would clear up, so why the anger?

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree. If I have to come to a complete stop in the middle of the highway, how little room does that give the person behind me to react if they are tailgating me?

It's less about driving close to me and more about trying to make sure nobody hits me.

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/27/23 12:51 p.m.

In reply to Colin Wood :

In traffic, I generally ignore the speed limits and run whatever traffic is running. If that's 75 in a 60, so be it. If that's 45 in a 60, so be it. Speed doesn't cause wrecks, speed differential does. The car running 20 mph slower than the flow is just as bad as the car running 20 over, even if they are technically going the speed limit. 

Outside of traffic, I generally run 5-8 mph over except in residential neighborhoods where I run 2-5 under. 


If you are driving 10 over in the left lane, and there is 1/2 mile of open lane ahead of you, and 12 cars stacked up bumper-to-bumper behind you...  you need to move to the right.   

Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
9/27/23 12:56 p.m.
Purple Frog (Forum Supporter) said:

If you are driving in the left lane, you probably need to move to the right.   


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