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Dusterbd13 UltraDork
7/10/15 7:08 p.m.

98 degrees today. And I spent the last eight hours outside demolishing the deck and teaching myself to lay 350 square feet of tile.

Im getting too old for this E36 M3.

Burrito HalfDork
7/10/15 7:18 p.m.

I got a crown on one of my molars this morning before work. The tooth has never bothered me one bit, but now it is on berkeleying fire and is trying to burn a hole in the side of my head. And my insurance is tapped for the year, so that other cavity is just going to have to hold the berkeley on for a couple-five months.

But it's ok, because it's (another) mandatory weekend at work. Wooooooooo.

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/10/15 11:41 p.m.

The Wife took me to Friendly's for dinner and ice cream. The dingbat that took our order was too busy talking to the other waitresses to bother getting anyones order right. She screwed up the table behind us pretty bad then took the foodles back and brought them the same things again. The Wife ordered a cheese quesodilla and then girl brought her a chicken one. They wife just took them chicken off instead of complaining then when they waitress came back she told my wife she should have ordered it that way. Then after she took our ice cream order she somehow decided they other table took off without paying and ran out after them. It turned out that they did pay and she misplaced their slip. When she finally brought our ice cream it had turned to soup and she got pissy when I said something.

Appleseed MegaDork
7/11/15 12:57 a.m.

Leave a 4 penny tip. That sends a message.

Trans_Maro UberDork
7/11/15 1:08 a.m.
turboswede wrote: My Wife. So yeah, I gotta deal with the E36 M3. One of her co-workers went into labor, so E36 M3 was a bit weird at work for her today.

Meh, that stuff is all perfectly natural.

Tell her that women have babies in rice paddys every day and don't stop working. She'll be fine.

No, you can't sleep on my couch.

Trans_Maro UberDork
7/11/15 1:13 a.m.

In reply to Curmudgeon:

Switch to a credit union, now.

I can tell you all about TD losing six figures of an estate account for over a month if you like.

They've managed to lose every bit of my business thanks to their attitude over the last year. I had been a customer for 25 years up until six months ago.

They don't seem to understand that it's not their money and they can't figure out why someone would be upset when they "misplace" it.

They also can't be bothered to apologise when it finally becomes clear that they were the ones who berkeleyed up.

Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/11/15 5:09 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: Leave a 4 penny tip. That sends a message.

It was the first time in my life I didn't leave a tip. Just a brief note in the tip line of the receipt.

Streetwiseguy PowerDork
7/11/15 8:03 a.m.
Trans_Maro wrote: In reply to Curmudgeon: Switch to a credit union, now. I can tell you all about TD losing six figures of an estate account for over a month if you like. They've managed to lose every bit of my business thanks to their attitude over the last year. I had been a customer for 25 years up until six months ago. They don't seem to understand that it's not their money and they can't figure out why someone would be upset when they "misplace" it. They also can't be bothered to apologise when it finally becomes clear that they were the ones who berkeleyed up.

Ah, the glory that is Canadian chartered banks. I could tell stories...

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ HalfDork
7/11/15 2:29 p.m.

Taken out by a guy trying to pass in the 2nd lapping session today. I passed him totally clean on the straight- and he had to come in and hit me in the braking zone

StainlessWings GRM+ Memberand Dork
7/12/15 2:14 a.m.

3am I'm the morning, and I can't sleep. likely due to a combination of sleeping in a bit this morning, a nap this afternoon with SWMBO, and our watching "Project Almanac" and discussing time travel for a while thereafter- and my brain just will -not- shut down and sleep now.

And it seems the toilet is running- which means -both- in the house have started doing so in the last 12 hours. -_-

fasted58 UltimaDork
7/12/15 8:49 a.m.

Tempted to load my tools up tonight on midnight under the cover of darkness and stop in HR tomorrow morning when they open, sign my exit papers and get on w/ my life. E36 M3 is too berkeleying stupid here anymore. 34 years in industry and never had the care beat outta me till this place. Beat your head against the wall, the wall always wins. Been reduced to just showing up for the money and doing what I'm told. Not the way I wanna finish my career.

Two minutes notice... that's the way I wanna go.

Datsun310Guy PowerDork
7/12/15 9:03 a.m.

In reply to fasted58:

No. Give the full 2 weeks. Make them suffer with you around - agonize your managers until the complete end......

fasted58 UltimaDork
7/12/15 9:32 a.m.
Datsun310Guy wrote: In reply to fasted58: No. Give the full 2 weeks. Make them suffer with you around - agonize your managers until the complete end......

This is the place where our HR lady walked at the end of her shift w/o any notice.

fasted58 UltimaDork
7/12/15 9:47 a.m.

Two late model 328xi Coupes in my area that caught my eye and they both been wrecked needing tow, one of 'em wrecked twice. Still asking premium money. WTF.

mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/12/15 10:22 a.m.
fasted58 wrote: Tempted to load my tools up tonight on midnight under the cover of darkness and stop in HR tomorrow morning when they open, sign my exit papers and get on w/ my life. E36 M3 is too berkeleying stupid here anymore. 34 years in industry and never had the care beat outta me till this place. Beat your head against the wall, the wall always wins. Been reduced to just showing up for the money and doing what I'm told. Not the way I wanna finish my career. Two minutes notice... that's the way I wanna go.

I know the feeling. I love my job, I really do. I do not even mind my boss even if he is a bit of a shiny person.. and I like half my crew.. it's the other half that makes me want to walk out and never come back.

Place has been open 12 years.. in that time, -nobody- in my department has ever been fired... no matter how badly they screw up things.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/12/15 10:26 a.m.

HGTV island/hawaiian/etc drinking game:

  • Take a half-shot of rum every time someone mispronounces Caribbean (It's "Kah-Ri-Bein", not "Ka-Ribby-In." If the person who mispronounced it is a real estate agent, take a full shot.

  • Take a shot of rum every time Caribbean is used as an adjective to describe a property costing 6 digits or more.

  • 2 shots of rum every time someone says that living in the Caribbean is all about sun, sand, fun etc. Yeah that's what it's like for rich business owners practically retiring there - or the 1%ers, if you prefer (Back-to-back statements only count as one BTW).

Beware, this game will have you drinking like a pirate.

Duke MegaDork
7/12/15 5:49 p.m.

Is there ANY berking way to change the filter on a Honda K engine that doesn't result in an armpit full of used oil?!

logdog GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/12/15 6:22 p.m.
Duke wrote: Is there ANY berking way to change the filter on a Honda K engine that *doesn't* result in an armpit full of used oil?!

Using the Honda special tool always worked for me at the dealer.

Duke MegaDork
7/12/15 6:29 p.m.

So does that snap around the axle?

Dusterbd13 UltraDork
7/12/15 6:34 p.m.

In reply to Duke: My guess is that the bolt you see by the oil pan is a magnet.

logdog GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/12/15 6:35 p.m.

In reply to Duke:

Its a magnet mount. It has a cut out that wraps around the axle to catch the mess.

HiTempguy UberDork
7/13/15 1:09 p.m.

My old crusty-as-berkeley co-worker was clipping his nails at his desk, the office isn't busy right now, and he did it for 10 minutes.

Makes me want to hurl, and when I said something, he was like "give me a break" Office etiquette 101 need not apply I suppose (baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarf)

Duke MegaDork
7/13/15 1:28 p.m.

At almost every place I've ever worked, there has been somebody who does that, and it makes me want to hurl too. It would never berking occur to me that the open office area might be an appropriate place to manage personal hygiene like that.

mtn MegaDork
7/13/15 1:30 p.m.

That really doesn't gross me out at all. Of course, I'm assuming they're doing it in the trash can with a peice of a paper over it to keep it from flying everywhere, but what is so gross about it?

Note, I do it at home, outside in the yard.

Duke MegaDork
7/13/15 1:37 p.m.

It's just nasty to do anything like that at work instead of at home. OK, if you tear a fingernail or something, clean it up at work. But it would be nasty if he was shaving (his face) at his desk with an electric razor, or how about a woman tweezing her eyebrows? That ish should be taken care of on your own time in your own private space.

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