Hey everyone! My beloved '95 T-Bird SC is getting scrapped in favor of a built V8 I just got. Anyhow, here's the details:
Engine has about 122k on it, runs perfect. It's still in the car, and can be driven. I'll just have to bolt a seat in...
Stock, it pushes 235hp and 335 lb-ft of torque, which would be very nice for any kind of project that requires a ford drive train. I would throw it in a v6 mustang myself, if I needed car #6. I will include everything you'll need to make it work in your project (wiring, ecu, 4r70w tranny, whatever), as I need to ditch the shell relatively soon.
For trades, I am looking to put a killer stereo in my new 'bird. So I am in the market for a filled box, and amp to drive it, and a 4-channel amp. I have a headunit I like and it has a nice set of speakers all around as a start. Drop me an e-mail if you'd like to swing by and check it out. I have the equipment to yank the motor where it sits now. So, let me know what you have, or bring me some cash! 
borf42 at hotmail dot com
Crapzorrs Tick. You are killing use here.
Anybody? Here's a pic of the engine, although I think it's cleaner now...
From My Cars
Let me know, I am taking offers. Really want to throw a sub in the 'bird over the winter....
...glad you are far away... would be perfect in a volvo haha
In reply to borf42:
Anybody?!? A sweet Miata with a supercharged v6.... :-D
If only it were a 2.3 turbo....
It would fit better than that 2.3L AND be lighter AND make more power...
And I own a big cam for a 3.8L that just needs pushrods to install, cost of shipping.
Buy this Dan.
Also if you buy it you will need:
http://www.v6power.net/ http://www.sccoa.com/forums/index.php and http://forums.tccoa.com/forumdisplay.php?f=10
All have there share of bad posts but all three are pretty useful when researching.
Borf 42 said:
I will include everything you'll need to make it work in your project (wiring, ecu, 4r70w tranny, whatever), as I need to ditch the shell relatively soon.
I'm confused (again). Are you selling the engine or the whole car?
Either way, you've got my interest. Do you have a means to lift the engine/tranny up into a pickup truck? If you're selling the whole thing, can it be driven? Can it be flat towed?
I have a brand new Jensen XA-2100 amp that I can throw into the mix, probably not enough for your killer stereo but you know more about that than me.
Shoot me a PM with your bottom price, barters whatever and I can pick it up Firday.
Sold to Dan. Hope you had a good trip back to NY!! I will be sending you the engine wiring harness (we kinda forgot that) and a 1995 ford service manual with wiring and vacuum diagrams, and the ford fuel injection book we were talking about.
Thanks, uneventful trip, a little logey up the hills of the Berkshires. Looking forward to the project.