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AwDang New Reader
8/13/13 7:33 a.m.

yes it's mine It's in Atlanta


yamaha PowerDork
8/13/13 10:20 a.m.

Well, I don't see those everyday anymore........GLWS

JoeyM Mod Squad
8/13/13 10:47 a.m.

that's pretty.....somebody needs to buy it. Here's some inspiration.

AwDang New Reader
8/13/13 11:41 a.m.

I've got a line on a complete pull out L16 and trans also.

JoeyM Mod Squad
8/13/13 12:06 p.m.

Good luck with that. I've already got a datsun project car, but this one looks nice.

4cylndrfury MegaDork
8/13/13 1:45 p.m.

BoostedBrandon Dork
8/13/13 2:23 p.m.

Can we get a meme of Captain Kirk doing the KAHHNNN!! Thing, except he's yelling ATLANTA!!!!

that's how I feel about this.

yamaha PowerDork
8/13/13 2:32 p.m.

theres the picture, add your "ATLANTA!!!!!!!!!!!" to it.......

paranoid_android74 Reader
8/13/13 2:44 p.m.
JoeyM wrote: that's pretty.....somebody needs to buy it. Here's some inspiration.

This for sure!

AwDang New Reader
8/14/13 5:17 p.m.

this thing is begging to be a GP/LP car!

Spinout007 GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
8/14/13 7:42 p.m.

Link has been deleted?!?!?!?!

AwDang New Reader
8/14/13 8:14 p.m.

keeping it for now. It's too close to a legal GP car to not complete it.

poopshovel MegaDork
8/14/13 10:55 p.m.

To think, Wayne sold that to Tommy Boy for $600. Tisk.

AwDang New Reader
8/15/13 4:32 a.m.
poopshovel wrote: To think, Wayne sold that to Tommy Boy for $600. Tisk.

so in your socialist mind it's unlawful to make a profit? wheres the other 510's out there for under $2k?

Thanks to Wayne, this car is a weekends work from being a GP car.

JoeyM Mod Squad
8/15/13 6:41 a.m.
AwDang wrote:
poopshovel wrote: To think, Wayne sold that to Tommy Boy for $600. Tisk.
so in your socialist mind it's unlawful to make a profit?

This is the quite possibly the least informed statement ever made in the history of this board.....and that's saying a lot.

AwDang New Reader
8/15/13 6:52 a.m.

it's a question, not a statement.

Buy the :tisk: added at the end of his "comment" it implies that something should be sold for what was paid for it. Thats not the case with a diminishing commodity.

JoeyM Mod Squad
8/15/13 7:07 a.m.

Fine, "your socialist mind" is - at least when it is applied to poopshovel - one of the least informed phrases to have been posted here. He's a hard working business owner who is one of the more conservative (or perhaps libertarian) members of this forum. Have you checked out the livery of a Hong Knorr lemons car? (I'll shut up now, though. Poopy is a big boy and can fight his own fights)

BTW, keep it clean and avoid personal attacks of each other so we don't have to act all moderator-ish.

AwDang New Reader
8/15/13 7:10 a.m.

Wayne and I have a strong history of not communicating. I'd like to keep it that way.

poopshovel MegaDork
8/15/13 6:54 p.m.
AwDang wrote: it's a question, not a statement. Buy the :tisk: added at the end of his "comment" it implies that something should be sold for what was paid for it. Thats not the case with a diminishing commodity.

Yeah. "Tisk" was the short version.

Long version: Hate on Waynimal all you want. He's the most solid dude I've ever met in my entire life. When he lost his job a few years ago, he unloaded the pile, fearing deportation. My brother got a worthy lemons car with cage and a pile of spares worth about $3,000 for $400. I got the rest for $0. Hell, I've probably got $2k worth of 1st gen CRX E36 M3 sitting in my garage, but I'll be damned if I'm going to ebay it. It's Wayne's stuff that I'm storing indefinitely.

That 510...and others, got unloaded in the purge. Wayne sold it to Les (also a solid dude) for $600. Tommy was a little bummed that he didn't get first right of refusal, so Les delivered it, and a huge air tank, which he knew Tommy needed (free...solid) to his house for $600.

A couple weeks later, I helped Tommy unload it and move it to his garage (I'm sure you're familiar with Tommy's yard by now,) which, due to the lack of brakes, involved loading the car on Tommy's (err. technically Wayne's) trailer, backing the truck in just far enough not to get stuck (in theory,) then using an elaborate system of ratcheting straps and rope and gypsy tears to get it into the garage. All told, took about an hour...then took about 4 hours to get Tommy's truck, which got stuck in the yard, out of the yard. After several attempts with 1 x 6's, plywood, carpet, etc., we set up some cones on the street and towed it out with the civic.

Remember that part in Star Wars, where the chick delivers the blueprints for the deathstar and says something like "Many Hongs bled so that you may have this cheap car with which to dominate the universe. Don't make the dick move and try to flip it for a couple hundred bucks." Something like that anyway. I may have been drinking during that part.

There's an unspoken agreement in our group that if you NEED something, it's yours. We've all given up E36 M3 that we could've banked on on craigslist to help a motherberkeleyer out in his time of need, or temporary psychosis. I haven't even talked to Tommy about the 510, but Tommy being Tommy (solid) I'm guessing he sold it to you for what he paid for it, or very little more. Not because he's a berkeleying idiot and doesn't know what it's worth, but because he's a solid dude.

It's a free country, and I love capitalism. Make your handful of hundred dollar bills if it pleases you, or better yet, if you put it together and make it a runner, I'll give you high-fives and ass-slaps and beers and kudos. Beats the E36 M3 out of her rotting away in one of our basements.

I just wouldn't expect Hong Family pricing again on anything any time soon. "When was the last time you saw 'x' for less than 'y' on craigslist?"

Good luck!

AwDang New Reader
8/15/13 7:06 p.m.

not being a "Hong Noir" family member. I won't miss it.

and it came out of the garage and up the hill in 5min

yamaha PowerDork
8/15/13 9:26 p.m.

I had to plus 1 poopshovel for that one. The only vehicle I've bought off of here(the e21 from mark) left me to another member for the same deal I got it for. Sure, I could have gotten 3x what I paid via eBay, but I believe firmly that if you get a special deal on something, your first answer shouldn't be to ask more for it to the same group x amount of time later. I guess I am old fashioned as well.

[/rant]. Just wanting to show that the sentiment isn't unique to a small group here.

JoeyM Mod Squad
8/15/13 9:43 p.m.

I have not bought a car from here....but nearly did last week. It was a REALLY nice MG that was bought for a GRM/CMS project car. They didn't end up using it, and passed it on to our community for the same $1500 that they bought it for.

Simple rule of thumb: act like family, get treated like family.

tuna55 PowerDork
8/15/13 10:05 p.m.

Boy, what an ass. I'd guess that you aren't going to get many offers around these parts, fella, good job making a total jerkoff of yourself.

AwDang New Reader
8/15/13 10:46 p.m.
tuna55 wrote: Boy, what an ass. I'd guess that you aren't going to get many offers around these parts, fella, good job making a total jerkoff of yourself.

it's not my job to subsidies your or anyone else's racing endeavors.

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
8/15/13 10:59 p.m.

Friendly type, aren't you?

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