I have an AutoTap OBDII Diagnostic Scanner for sale. This was their full-use fancy-pants needs a laptop version, not the later $30 smartphone app.

It comes in a case with an OBDII plug and a USB for the PC plus all of the software. The software is very powerful and highly customizable. I've used it to data log (yes, it records) during track days and autocrosses. Full support for all makes/models.
You can customize the display to show full gauges (yes, really. Make your own LCD dash with this and have a tach, speedo, oil pressure, IAT, trans temp, etc real time) and read and clear all codes. It would take a $600+ professional tool to match what this one can do.
I paid well over $300 for mine and it is absolutely like new. Software completely unlocked, you can install it on your PC at your will.
Asking $150 OBO, shipped to your door included.
(Sorry, incorrect price in title, should read $150 OBO as well)
I also may have a used laptop (2003/4 Dell laptop, freshly wiped with a new Windows XP Pro OS) with the software pre-loaded I can throw in for cheap. (Sister in law has first dibs).
Why must you tempt me when I have NO money?
In reply to Ranger50:
It's what I do! 
I really need to get this sold. I don't even have a car worth using it on since I sold the P71.
Oh man I really need that. I dropped my cheapie matco code reader and now the hop is completely without one, and this is a screaming deal.
I will be stalkign this thread to see if its still here when I gets the money
Oh man I really need that. I dropped my cheapie matco code reader and now the hop is completely without one, and this is a screaming deal.
I will be stalkign this thread to see if its still here when I gets the money
In reply to corytate:
Gots the money yet? Make offer? Partial trade?
no not yet, gotta get caught up on mounting debt before I buy ANYTHING.
This next paycheck will knock it out if next week is like this week
Still for sale!
(Laptop no longer available)
still not looking good. I manipulated my taxes so I don't get raped on payday for this big check, still gonna be probably another paycheck til we get caught up enough sadly=/
So $150 shipped to Ohio???
I'd be willing to pay you a bit more for shipping if needed. What type of payment can you take?
In reply to grafmiata:
How about $150 plus shipping? Your choice, $14 for Priority Mail or $8 for snail. I take PayPal, check, or money orders.
I tried to PM/email you but your spam blocker kicked it back.
In reply to Javelin:
Yeah, sorry about the kick-back, but I keep my filter set pretty aggressively.
Anywho... I can do the above. I'll email you later today to work out details. Thanx!!!
it is still avaliable??? I'm interested
Go for it, Dan. I'm putting myself in a holding-pattern as far as spending money on my shop.
Send me a Paypal addresss and I'll send payment.
Payment sent, Thanks Javelin