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irish44j PowerDork
6/27/14 3:46 p.m.

So I've been slacking a bit on this, but since I'm sitting at a 4-hour layover at the airport in San Fran, might as well do some updates. Since last I posted, our 2-day rallycross was postponed due to excessive flooding of the venue. Since I'm not one to check my messages at 5am, of course I towed the car 2.5 hours into the mountains to get there, not knowing I had three messages telling me not to. Ooop.....

I did run the tow rig and trailer through the course though so not all was lost. :)

In any case, that event is now taking place on July 12th weekend, so basically 4 days after I get back from a 10-day work trip to Hawaii. I'm sure my wife and kids will be thrilled to have me gone for the weekend immediately.

In the meantime, we also ran the Chumpcar race at Summit Point last weekend in the ETA. All started off well, with us actually leading the pack for the first 2 hours in the rain (when the power cars coudln't use their power). As it dried out we dropped to 3rd for the next 4 hours (including my driving stint). I really enjoy Shenandoah Circuit personally - lots of curves and well-suited to cars that handle well and brake well, and power isn't quite as important as it is at most other tracks.

Unfortunately, our 4th driver got a bit too agressive on a pass and spun the car backwards into a concrete wall, thus ending our weekend. Fortunately he was unhurt and actually drove a lap afterwards, not knowing the damage was so bad, lol.... Car is likely reparable, but we'll see. That's racing, eh?

So that's the update for now. May have some interesting news soon relating to a future local event, but will wait until that's confirmed to say anything :)

Junkyard_Dog SuperDork
6/27/14 5:37 p.m.
irish44j wrote: Unfortunately, our 4th driver got a bit too agressive on a pass and spun the car backwards into a concrete wall, thus ending our weekend. Fortunately he was unhurt and actually drove a lap afterwards, not knowing the damage was so bad, lol.... Car is likely reparable, but we'll see.

That WILL NOT buff out.

Repairable with a frame machine and lots of time money and effort. I'd start shell shopping if I were you.

irish44j PowerDork
6/27/14 6:23 p.m.

we'll see. we may just chop it. There's actually almost no damage from the diff crossmember forward. We actually could have continued the race if we just sawzalled the fenders from where they were rubbing the tires.

one of our team guys is a metalworker so we'll see what he wants to do. shell isn't that great of an option because rebuilding the cage and everything else will end up being way more work and money than just straightening this thing and/or chopping it (ala 318ti).

IDK, i don't own the car, so it'll be up to the owners what they want to do. I'll help them with whatever the decision is...

Junkyard_Dog SuperDork
6/27/14 6:35 p.m.

1) Sawzall off extraneous body panels.

2) Attach whatever car/boat/plane/train/submarine/couch/house body SpeedyCop hasn't done yet.


4) Profit! (and internet glory)!

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
6/27/14 9:57 p.m.

I'm thinking a come-a-long, a chain and a couple of well placed trees...

Or more realistically, chop it off at the base of the window down to the top of the wheel arches and weld on a rear clip from a donor.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ HalfDork
6/28/14 8:04 a.m.
Ian F wrote: I'm thinking a come-a-long, a chain and a couple of well placed trees... Or more realistically, chop it off at the base of the window down to the top of the wheel arches and weld on a rear clip from a Maserati Goddamn BiTurbo.


Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
6/28/14 8:20 a.m.

In reply to NONACK:

That would work too... renamed the "mullet-mobile": Business/German in the front, Italian Party in the back.

Mr_Clutch42 HalfDork
6/29/14 6:44 p.m.

After a week or so, I finally read through all 50 pages! I'm an autocross guy and I'm wondering if you guys stress driving ability for the new guys, or to modify faults with the cars the most, or somewhere in between. I want to do a rallycross event close to me and I'm wondering if using summer tires will be able to get me through a course or will they get too worn out and I should get a spare set of wheels and mount some all season tires on them. The car I will use is a 91 Camaro with an open diff. I'm mostly just going to have fun, hang out with some rally guys, and to drift on some dirt/gravel/grass/clay. I should also note that with the solid rear axle and worn out LSD, I even have some trouble driving the car off of soft grass when it rains.

On another note, solo racing classing isn't that difficult, especially if you're not trying to win trophies. You just ask a vet or an event worker, and they usually know what mods will put cars in Touring, Prepared, or Modified classes.

Also, what kind of gas mileage are you and the other dirty E30 drivers (especially the straight-6 guys) getting for daily use. Your response will determine how much I will kick myself for buying an E36 instead.

bluej SuperDork
6/30/14 12:00 p.m.

Josh was pulling for the volvo 240 wagon rear to get grafted on. I like the hatch option a little bit more..

irish44j PowerDork
7/1/14 4:44 a.m.
Mr_Clutch42 wrote: After a week or so, I finally read through all 50 pages! I'm an autocross guy and I'm wondering if you guys stress driving ability for the new guys, or to modify faults with the cars the most, or somewhere in between. I want to do a rallycross event close to me and I'm wondering if using summer tires will be able to get me through a course or will they get too worn out and I should get a spare set of wheels and mount some all season tires on them. The car I will use is a 91 Camaro with an open diff. I'm mostly just going to have fun, hang out with some rally guys, and to drift on some dirt/gravel/grass/clay. I should also note that with the solid rear axle and worn out LSD, I even have some trouble driving the car off of soft grass when it rains. On another note, solo racing classing isn't that difficult, especially if you're not trying to win trophies. You just ask a vet or an event worker, and they usually know what mods will put cars in Touring, Prepared, or Modified classes. Also, what kind of gas mileage are you and the other dirty E30 drivers (especially the straight-6 guys) getting for daily use. Your response will determine how much I will kick myself for buying an E36 instead.

The tire question will depend a lot on the surface your local region runs on. Depending on where the rallycross is, regions run on gravel, clay, dirt, even crushed coral. Each have different wear properties on tires. For instance, at our old venue in the summer, the clay would bake hard and a UHP summer tire was actually faster than rally/snow tires. So check into what surface your local region runs and consult with some locals. If you're open diff, RWD, and summer tires you'll go basically nowhere on a muddy course. But you'd do ok on gravel like ours or on dry grass perhaps.

I think as to "new guys" most people start with what they have and get a feel for the driving, and then go from there. That's how I did it my first season, with a mostly-stock car aside from good shocks and a few other small things. Then I upgraded where I thought weak points were. I'd say the great majority of our drivers locally do it that way. Not often we se someone come out with a heavily-prepped car and no experience. Mostly because, unlike autocross, what setup you run has a TON to do with the surface. Running on muddy grass courses uses a much different setup from bumpy gravel courses, depending on the car and class. In autocross you can use the same setup and most venues througout the country, aside from maybe some minor camber/alignment/tire pressure chances - primarily because you won't have to deal with bumps, mud, ruts and things like that.

I autocrossed for many years, so I'm being a bit facetious about the classing, but rallycross is really a lot more basic in that respect. If it's your DD, you'll probably want to stick with stock or prepared, but if it's just a weekend toy you go mod to ditch interior, do swaps, etc. Rallycross encourages real creativity in car setup, especially in mod classes. It even says so in the official rulebook :)

As to the e30s....mine obviously isn't a daily, but with the M42 it easily gets over 30mpg going to and from events fully loaded with a set of tires, jack, gear, etc. Hell, it gets close to 30 even towing my little tire trailer. I can't really speak for the 6cyl guys, they'll have to chime in on their own. My car is also very light, so with the 4cyl and light weight, mileage is good.

Anyhow, check with your local region (what region are you in?) and talk to the guys who run there about surface and tires - they'll know best what will work for you.

Btw, lots of our guys with dedicated rallycross cars drive there on their winter tires, and then run on them. Rally tires can't be driven on the street (for very far), so those of use using rally tires have a street set (mine are star specs)...

irish44j PowerDork
7/1/14 4:45 a.m.
bluej wrote: Josh was pulling for the volvo 240 wagon rear to get grafted on. I like the hatch option a little bit more..

Josh, what rear end is that? early VW golf or something?

bluej SuperDork
7/1/14 6:23 a.m.

No idea. They're from a r3v thread that came up near the top for a Google image search for "e30 hatch".

7/1/14 7:10 a.m.

I think it's the regular e30 C pillar moved back to where it's even with the trailing edge of the decklid.

teamilluminata Reader
7/1/14 9:05 a.m.


irish44j wrote:
bluej wrote: Josh was pulling for the volvo 240 wagon rear to get grafted on. I like the hatch option a little bit more..
Josh, what rear end is that? early VW golf or something?
bluej SuperDork
7/1/14 9:10 a.m.

I don't think the c pillar is moved, at least in the first one. I was looking for images that kept it in place and just chopped the trunk as that's the easiest/most likely mod/fix.

Speaking of, have you spoken with them at all, Josh?

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
7/1/14 9:17 a.m.

In reply to Mr_Clutch42:

I used my essentially stock '88 325is as a DD a couple of times when my main car was down for service. Mostly highway and backroads commuting; ~100 miles/day. Average was about 24 MPG over month long stints (usually 5-7 tanks).

Mr_Clutch42 HalfDork
7/1/14 11:20 a.m.

In reply to Ian F: That's not to bad for an '88 car.

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
7/1/14 2:28 p.m.

In reply to Mr_Clutch42:

If you say so... My ex's '97 M3 would get close to 30 even under more spirited driving, so when I started driving the E30 I was disappointed. I didn't buy the car for the fuel mileage, but it definitely limited how much I drove it just to run it.

irish44j PowerDork
7/13/14 7:08 p.m.

Event #4 in the books. Write-up later this week when I get a chance, but here's a quick list of "things I learned" at this weekend's 2-day rallycross:

  1. An e30 can survive over 60 total runs on a brutal course with no damage....

  2. .....But the rear DMack rally tires will go from 70% tread to approximately racing slicks (fronts hardly wore at all).

  3. A guy in a new Lotus Evora will chase a $1000 rallycross car down on the highway, only to slow down next to it and give a thumbs-up :)

  4. If the guy who is 7 seconds ahead of you breaks his suspension after 5 runs, and you loan him your car for the other 20+ runs of the event....you will lose to him by 7 seconds in the end. Seriously.

  5. On a rough, slidey, high-speed gravel course my car can hang with and/or beat all of the stock AWD cars and many of the PA and M4 cars when driven well.

  6. There is no auto parts store within a 100-mile radius of Frostburg, MD that carries a rear strut for an e28 BMW (Nick).

  7. When it's a steamy 90 degrees in DC, it's a comfortable 75 degrees with a nice breeze in Frostburg.

  8. A suction-mount GoPro mounted to the front of the roof CAN come off during a run, and somehow fly through the air and stick itself onto the trunk of the car, still pointing forward. And its owner CAN spend 20 minutes searching through a tall field looking for it before it is discovered on the trunk of the car (video coming ... it was Nick's GoPro on my car).

  9. As always, the WDCR rallycross crew is always willing and able to lend a hand in tough situations that come up at a long-weekend event.

  10. Do not go behind a late-model STi, or you will be dodging fender liners multiple times throughout the day on course.

  11. I drive faster with music blaring.

  12. Specifically, Iron Maiden's Wasted Years and 2 Minutes to Midnight are the fastest songs in my arsenal, according to my research over 25 runs of various music.

  13. Letting a friend race your car when his breaks is a good thing. Losing to him sucks, but I'll stock the karma away for future use.

  14. The time you don't trailer the car to an event is the time you really wish you had a trailer and tow rig with you...

  15. Mountainous gravel fields, when not used for a month, grow tall, prickly plants everywhere. And when it's the middle of summer and all you bring are shorts and ankle socks, you're gonna pay for it - count on it.

When there's a 15mph breeze, a dusty surface, and a 180* turnaround, you WILL end up driving into the smokescreen you made coming the other direction, and if you're lucky you won't run over any course workers and will manage to find the next few gates. And you will brake in the middle of a straight transition section because you have no clue where the course is.

More recap, photos, etc at some point......

unevolved Dork
7/13/14 8:48 p.m.

That sounds like a blast!

Mr_Clutch42 HalfDork
7/13/14 9:22 p.m.

In reply to irish44j: I'm in the NCR (North Carolina Region) but we don't have rallycross. My next closest region has rallycross and they just happen to be an independent state amateur racing region that classes very similar to SCCA rules. I would have to look up on their forum if they have one to check the racing surface. Oh, and my Camaro is my slow race car.

irish44j PowerDork
7/13/14 9:44 p.m.

So, for anyone who wants to look at results. Why I lost is pretty obvious: 30 total runs over 2 days. I hit 21 cones. Nick hit 6 cones. Our times otherwise were pretty similar across the board, whether he was driving his car or my car. Clearly he is good at avoiding cones in my car, since he's used to driving his bigger e28....


The one outlyer, I'll note, is that he laid down a 69-second run late on day 2 - that and the run after it were in the PR/MR 325e that the other guys run, and he was taking it easy. His last few runs in my car I asked him to take it easy too, since he had the victory locked up and I didn't want a late-day breakage of anything. So his times for the last few runs are intentionally slow (I was personally trying to break the 60-second mark clean, which I didn't quite due thanks to a Subaru STi wheel liner on the course that I had to avoid, but whatever...). I was pretty happy with how I was driving on the last couple runs. Fast and clean. Wish I could have done it when it mattered....

So, though on paper he beat me by 6 seconds over 30 runs....in reality he beat me by about 25 seconds or a bit more if he didn't let up at the end.

I have work to do...on the car and on my driving. Clearly.

We are currently discussing going to the Great Lakes Divisional Challenge next month instead of our local event. WOuld be interesting to try out a surface that is totally different from our surface. Will keep you posted......

eastsidemav Dork
7/14/14 9:08 a.m.
irish44j wrote: We are currently discussing going to the Great Lakes Divisional Challenge next month instead of our local event. WOuld be interesting to try out a surface that is totally different from our surface. Will keep you posted......

This probably goes wihtout saying, but if you do, make sure to trailer out here. Last event at that field was a bit rough...

wvumtnbkr GRM+ Memberand Dork
7/14/14 9:39 a.m.
irish44j wrote: In the meantime, we also ran the Chumpcar race at Summit Point last weekend in the ETA. All started off well, with us actually leading the pack for the first 2 hours in the rain (when the power cars coudln't use their power). As it dried out we dropped to 3rd for the next 4 hours (including my driving stint). I really enjoy Shenandoah Circuit personally - lots of curves and well-suited to cars that handle well and brake well, and power isn't quite as important as it is at most other tracks. Unfortunately, our 4th driver got a bit too agressive on a pass and spun the car backwards into a concrete wall, thus ending our weekend. Fortunately he was unhurt and actually drove a lap afterwards, not knowing the damage was so bad, lol.... Car is likely reparable, but we'll see. That's racing, eh? So that's the update for now. May have some interesting news soon relating to a future local event, but will wait until that's confirmed to say anything :)

Soooooo, that is a pretty sweet RX7 you are parked beside!

BTW, I am not sure if you guys were still around at all on Sunday. I decided to put that RX7 into the wall (popped out of the Karosel).

Did you guys get it fixed yet or what?

Rob R.

bluej SuperDork
7/14/14 11:25 a.m.
eastsidemav wrote:
irish44j wrote: We are currently discussing going to the Great Lakes Divisional Challenge next month instead of our local event. WOuld be interesting to try out a surface that is totally different from our surface. Will keep you posted......
This probably goes wihtout saying, but if you do, make sure to trailer out here. Last event at that field was a bit rough...

Think it's as rough as the gravel area wdcr uses?

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