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irish44j PowerDork
8/10/15 12:24 p.m.
Knurled wrote: I wonder if that can be mounted IN the bumper so it doesn't steal radiator airflow.

I did consider it, but it may be a moot point as the bumper already has all the holes drilled so is making up for any lost airflow. This car already has an e36 6cylinder radiator, so it's more than sufficient to keep the M42 cool regardless. That, and a good hi-cap electric Spal fan :) To do it in the bumper would require a certain size cutout, which could conceivably be a problem if I ever replaced this with another one of a different size or shape...

irish44j PowerDork
8/11/15 8:56 p.m.

Got the lights all permanently wired up today with new relays and inline fuses. Had a few options for switches but decided to go ahead with an idea I've had for a while. Pulled the stereo. I still want a stereo in the car, but I have an idea for that as well, which I'll do later this week ;)

In any case, had some scrap Lexan around so built myself a switch panel for the two switches I need right now, and dummies for three more if needed in the future. It fits directly into the radio slot. Since I couldn't figure out an elegant (and easy) way to mount the panel without some fabbing, decided to make it easy to install, and easy to pull the panel if I need to get behind the dash: zipties. Actually it's very solid in there, so I'm pretty happy with it.

The Lexan is painted on the backside with some VHT red tint paint that I have a bit of left, just for the hell of it. IN daylight you can't see through, but with a flash it's a bit interesting seeing the wires behind it, lol.

irish44j PowerDork
8/13/15 6:13 p.m.

So my little side project, now with the radio delete turning into a switch panel. Since I drive the car to events sometimes several hours away, not doing that listening to exhaust drone and no music....that would suck. Yeah, I could just use headphones (illegal and unsafe in my opinion, and uncomfortable), or just get a standalone speaker for the iPod. The latter would work, but I already have a stereo for this car and (crappy) speakers so no point in spending more money.

Well, not much more. $9, to be exact. Got this off ebay....a waterproof boat radio box.

Wired it up using some OEM BMW disconnects from a spare wiring harness, and mounted it up. It bites into the passenger legroom a little, but nobody ever rides with me to events so it's a moot point. Removed unscrewing two knobs and disconnecting the wires for when on the course. Anyhow, nothing big, just a little something.

irish44j PowerDork
8/24/15 5:17 p.m.

Event #5

Went into the event tied with Nick in overall points (2 wins each, tied if you drop each two losses, though I’m leading in total points right now). Left a bit earlier than the rest of the crew along with Jason, towing his “new” Miata to its first rallycross. We met some other roadsters along the way, who asked us if we were heading “to the local drag strip” lol

Anyhow, first day of this weekend was a test-and-tune where we were breaking in a “fresh” area of the venue. It was rough as hell though the car was handling it fine, until an issue: A terrible grinding/screeching noise from under the car, which I could feel through the transmission tunnel either going forward or reverse (the sound changed a lot depending on throttle and direction). At first I thought the transmission was self-destructing, but eventually managed to rule that out. After that, based on location I figured it had to be the center support bearing seizing up (4 years of dirt and dust could cause that, I suppose, lol). So put the car halfway up on the trailer and got underneath. Of course had to pull the heat shields above the exhaust first, and managed to dump about 5lbs of gravel (and a few bigger rocks out that were sitting on top of them. Nice.

As it turned out though, that must have been the culprit, because here’s what I saw on the driveshaft:

Apparently a larger rock somehow got itself wedged in there in a manner where it wouldn’t kick out going either forward or backward. So…..a good opportunity to delete the heat shields altogether I guess. Though I may put a smaller shield up there later just to keep direct mud and rocks from the CSB itself. So with that fixed, I proceeded to run the faster, smoother afternoon test course.

We had some fun on it (I’m hoping someone has me hitting the middle of this little lake at 50mph or so, lol)

Also since running into twilight got to test out the lights a bit for the first time

And as it got darker, with all the lights on I’m in the middle of a run and start smelling something, like there is an electrical fire or something (hard to tell when mixed with dust). At the same time my right leg and feet started to get very hot and I was like “E36 M3, I think something is on fire down there!!” So killed the lights figuring the new wiring was shorting or something.


Heater core go boom. Thankfully I had my gore-text hiking shoes and long pants on so I didn’t get burned. But ended up with a gallon or more of coolant inside the car. Yay. Guess BMW’s brilliant “bypass valve” installed in the hoses specifically for this eventuality didn’t do crap….

So in the dark we managed to loop the coolant hoses behind the engine, fill it back up, and got that all running. And pulled the drains and rinsed the front floor with a gallon of freshwater, lol

Oddly, few to no other cars were having any real issues out there mechanically during the test&tune.

Oh wait. Except the other M42 guys, Jeff and Jeff. Apparently the brand-new tie rod end they put on the passenger side was a bit taller than the old one. And it ground a good 2-3mm of aluminum off the inside of the wheel, lol. Lucky for them, I had a couple spare Moog tie rod ends with me, which they used one of to get back going.

Look closely at the inside of the wheel on the ground!

So that taken care of, it was time for some drinks at the rather pathetic local bar scene. It’s pretty sad for a “college town” (Frostburg State University) on a Saturday night, but did result in a nice semi-hangover the next morning for me. D’oh.

We did have a bit of fun with fellow competitors whose cars were at the hotel, of course…

Next morning perfect weather and about 50 cars (well, 50 drivers, probably 40 cars) there to run for the real event.

Morning course had a ton of cones, lots of slaloms and offsets, but at the same time was very high-speed. It promised to be one of the most challenging courses we’d had in a while to be consistent on. And I was the first car out in the run group, so I got to sweep the loose gravel where course changes from the first run group had taken place. But I did have better tires than last event, with 80% DMacks on the front with nice sharp shoulders. It’s been a LONG time since I had fresh tires with good shoulders, and the steering bite was a major improvement over the last few events for sure. Oh, I didn’t mention that Josh S. (aka “TurboJosh”) was co-driving with me since his M52 swap isn’t “quite” done. We knew he could drive when he had a running car. We were about to find out for sure. Not to mention MR had a strong 13-car field – mostly e30s (none of them first-timers) Nick in the e28, Brandon Flicker in his 2nd gen MR2, Jason in the Miata, and a couple of RX7s.

In the morning it was a shootout, with me, Nick, Josh S., and Eric Helgesen (ETA) all within a few seconds of each other at the lunchbreak. Nick I think had about a 2-3 second lead at the break. The rest of the field was running pretty well, but having various car troubles. Eric Eisele and Drew broke a motor mount and a diff mount but managed to push on. Jason on his first event with the Miata immediately blew his front left shock and cracked a radiator piece while running mid-pack. I think the other M42 guys had some issue, but kept running. The RX7 blew something up as well. And Ozgur and Alp in the caged soon-to-be Rally America e30 were having issues mostly due to terribly worn old rally tires with no shoulders or grip, lol.

Eric fixing a motor mount in the morning before breaking a diff mount

Jason in the Miata

So on to the afternoon with 5 or 6 cars in striking distance of first still. I’ll mention now that Josh S. all day put down times slightly faster than mine here and there, but with more cones. Nick had been running fast and clean as well. I think I was actually in 3rd just ahead of Eric H. at lunch. First run I started out with the 5th-fastest time in the group AND a cone, so that dropped me even farther back. I did some tire pressure changes and then decided to really drive aggressively, especially in the U-turn horseshoe at the back, which was tricky and between 1st and 2nd gear. Also it was not a “rhythm” course by any means, so it was hard to make the car “dance” well with a lot of tricky offsets and kinks.

Started clawing my way back in, gaining on Nick in small increments. Meanwhile, Josh continued to pull ahead and Eric H. kept staying with us as well in the ETA. Nick was clearly a bit slower than the other three of us though he seemed to be driving as he always does. Maybe the tires, IDK…. Midway through our 9 afternoon runs Josh S. took out a few cones and dropped back (I suspect he did it on purpose so as not to beat me and Nick and mess with season points, but he swears otherwise). Meanwhile Eric H. kept charging on and I was about as consistent as I’ve been all season with solid times over and over and over, almost all clean – while Josh S. kept on laying down the fastest times in the group, but picked up cones here and there. I managed to pull back ahead by 2.8 over Josh and Eric H. (in a virtual tie) with Nick a second or two behind them with one run left. For once, I didn’t do anything dumb, just drove a fairly-fast and clean run. Josh put down a nice clean run as well, and Eric put down an even faster run…..but got a cone, one of his few of the day. As it sorted out, I won and Josh S. (in my car) took 2nd 1.8 seconds back. Eric after the cone was 1.7 behind him, and Nick another 1.7 behind Eric. So all in all pretty close top-4 there, after 14 total runs and total time around 800 seconds for the day! The rest of the field either had issues or just were a bit slower. “The Jeffs” took 5th and 6th in the 318is about 30 seconds back of the lead group, and the rest of the cars had a variety of problems and finished farther back, though Neil, Eric E, and Jason were all running respectable times before bowing out with mechanicals.

Now one thing to note is that PR and MR ran in the same group. Shawn Roberts (just recently returning from 2nd place nationals finish in PR) generally beats the entire MR field in his Miata. But not today. I got him by 4 seconds :) Now you say, of course he’s in PR and I’m in MR. But he’s the best RWD rallycross driver in the mid-Atlantic at least (well, in my book), so I consider it an accomplishment. What we didn’t expect, though, is that Shawn didn’t WIN PR. Jeremy Sitar did, in his ratty e36 318i. So a heavier, full-interior, M42-powered car (albeit I think he had fresh gravel tires) dominated the day, about 10 seconds faster than me in the same run group. Pretty impressive driving there for sure.

Here’s a link to full results if anyone wants to see: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0DAjl8siZI9YWFnYlNIbHRENzA&usp=drive_web

So, that’s about it. I’m sure Nick will give his take in his build thread on R3V, and Josh S. may comment on his thoughts, but in the end, it’s nice for the car to take 1-2 in a strong group, and even nicer that for once my co-driver didn’t beat me, lol

EvanB GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
8/24/15 5:28 p.m.

What's with everyone rallycrossing Miatas now?

moxnix HalfDork
8/24/15 5:34 p.m.

Tires all tires.

Here is my best looking tire after the event.

My other ones look more like this.

The direct link to the results is Here

Also the reason the RX-7 stopped running was because he lost his fuel pump. I think found it with my skid plate.

I was running behind him and saw some rubber lines and attached junk sticking out on the course and was trying to figure out what kind of junk we had uncovered on the site and hit it pretty hard then got flagged down at the next station because he had stopped on course.

irish44j PowerDork
8/24/15 6:04 p.m.

Well, yeah ;) Nick kept on trying to figure out why he was suddenly a second slower than me this time when he was slightly faster than me last event. Last event my rears looked like your rears, and my fronts like your fronts. This event, better tires. But you are still a better driver than me, so I'll take any advantage I can get

My rears after the event (with me and Josh both running them) look like your "best" tires. Again, I'm pretty unimpressed by the Dmacks. 3 sets now and none of them have held up all that well to the gravel. Those small blocks get killed fast at F'burg!

irish44j PowerDork
8/24/15 6:09 p.m.
EvanB wrote: What's with everyone rallycrossing Miatas now?

Jason has had like 6 miatas. Finally found a ratty enough one that he didn't mind rallycrossing lol.

Besides Shawn and Katie (they of four Miatas also), the other Miata there (2 drivers) were from your region (OVR). I don't think they were ready for the slidey-ness of our gravel. They were demolishing gates and slaloms all over the course. Their 2nd driver was going right before me and I spent a lot of time on my horn while driving around the course lol. The faster one (John W.) was putting up nice times but had like 18-20 cones on the day. The slower one was much cleaner, but slower.

irish44j PowerDork
8/24/15 6:14 p.m.
EvanB wrote: What's with everyone rallycrossing Miatas now?

[insert comment here about SCCA RallyCross must be advertising in magazines that hairdressers read ]

irish44j PowerDork
8/24/15 8:21 p.m.

Justin Roth managed to catch me hitting a large body of water on the rallycross course at high speed, at twilight. Only shame is that he wasn't using a better camera, lol

paperpaper New Reader
8/24/15 8:24 p.m.

I am now copying you holy bumper design for my new oil cooler location. and I should totally go to the NY rallyx so I can sell everyone tires and rims :D

irish44j PowerDork
8/24/15 8:42 p.m.

lol, you should. Though I'll most likely have some brand-new Yokohamas on the car for that event ;)

Knurled GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
8/24/15 9:25 p.m.
irish44j wrote: the other Miata there (2 drivers) were from your region (OVR). I don't think they were ready for the slidey-ness of our gravel.

I don't think I've ever seen another Miata at an OVR regional... HMMM

paperpaper New Reader
8/24/15 9:29 p.m.
paperpaper wrote: I am now copying you holy bumper design for my new oil cooler location. and I should totally go to the NY rallyx so I can sell everyone tires and rims :D

Where did you acquire these YOKO's?!?!??!!

Im still pissed that Team O'niel has a partnership withn yokohama but cannot sel them as a vendor.....WHATS THE POINT OF THE PARTNERSHIP IF YOU CANT SELL THE CRAP!?

moxnix HalfDork
8/25/15 7:51 a.m.
irish44j wrote: My rears after the event (with me and Josh both running them) look like your "best" tires. Again, I'm pretty unimpressed by the Dmacks. 3 sets now and none of them have held up all that well to the gravel. Those small blocks get killed fast at F'burg!

From brand new those dmacks I posted lasted about a year. So just under $100 an event in tires? Non-Locals keep in mind 2 drivers every event with a decent number of runs (14 runs per driver on a mid 50 second course this past Sunday)

EvanB GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
8/25/15 8:17 a.m.
Knurled wrote:
irish44j wrote: the other Miata there (2 drivers) were from your region (OVR). I don't think they were ready for the slidey-ness of our gravel.
I don't think I've ever seen another Miata at an OVR regional... HMMM

It was the John Englands, they have been running with us all year...

irish44j PowerDork
8/25/15 4:54 p.m.
Knurled wrote:
irish44j wrote: the other Miata there (2 drivers) were from your region (OVR). I don't think they were ready for the slidey-ness of our gravel.
I don't think I've ever seen another Miata at an OVR regional... HMMM

IDK, they seemed to know who you and Evan were. Last name was England, IIRC. Father and Son in a red Miata with a black or dark green top.

irish44j PowerDork
8/25/15 4:57 p.m.
paperpaper wrote:
paperpaper wrote: I am now copying you holy bumper design for my new oil cooler location. and I should totally go to the NY rallyx so I can sell everyone tires and rims :D
Where did you acquire these YOKO's?!?!??!! Im still pissed that Team O'niel has a partnership withn yokohama but cannot sel them as a vendor.....WHATS THE POINT OF THE PARTNERSHIP IF YOU CANT SELL THE CRAP!?

Mine are coming from Europe. IDK where from. Latched on to an order someone else was making. Price TBD but should be less than new DMacks regardless.]

bluej SuperDork
8/25/15 6:25 p.m.

This site is interesting. It was mentioned in the e36 rally car thread. Mud tires!


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ HalfDork
8/25/15 6:36 p.m.

In reply to bluej:

I'm not sold on rally retreads- my Maxsports on the MR2 weren't much stiffer or better than Winterforces, and there was a car at Sandblast running Black Rockets that had 5 flats.

NGTD UltraDork
8/25/15 9:08 p.m.

You can get Yoko's no problem up here.

In fact I got a decent set of A035E's for free. (I do a lot of volunteering at rallies and a team gave me a set.)

irish44j PowerDork
8/26/15 10:19 p.m.

So back to car work.....

Let's get this stupid heater/HVAC stuff out of here. The eventual plan (i.e. before winter) is to pick up one of those aftermarket heater cores from Summit or Jegs and install with one vent to the windshield and one to the single dash vent. But that'll come later.

So after much cursing and working around my rat's nest of wiring, finally got all this crap out. This is, of course, both the heater core, fan, and A/C condenser stuff. It takes up a lot more space than it looks like, and all in all weighs in around 25lbs or so.

lot of space back there now

and a lot of messy wiring

I won't bore you with photos of me cleaning up wiring, but I did a ton of it. With that done, thinking about the empty HVAC sliders position and figured I'd just build a new switch panel for the center of the dash. Had some old Lexan scrap sitting around, so fabbed up a panel for the fuel gauge, power outlet, and some switches.

Not feeling especially creative, I just gutted the stock center console piece (which already has mounting points to the dash) to use it as a backing/stiffening plate for the Lexan piece

Painted the backside of the switch panel black (so I don't have to see my wiring) and then sanded the front of it, so it kind of just blends in with the flocked dash I guess. Wasn't really a real cosmetic effort, to be honest. I hate doing anything related to wiring and just wanted it back together.

So here's how it turned out:

Empty holes are either accesses for the upper mount screws or blanks for future switches. The bottom area is empty because I'll use that area for other stuff. Since the Jegs/Summit heaters appear to come with some pretty lame fan speed switches, I left the OEM one in the new piece and can hopefully just use it to control the new fan. TBD, but I have a lot of space on the panel in the event that I have to use the one that comes with the heater.

Last thing to do was to seal up the hole into the engine bay. For the time being I just used my favorite ghetto material: a cut-up Rubbermaid bin cover. Eventually I'll probably put an aluminum sheet there or something, but this should do fine for the time being. Also painted the areas that I couldn't get to with the old HVAC in there...

irish44j PowerDork
8/27/15 7:53 p.m.

in other news, had some interesting handling on the rear end of the car in recent events. Finally checked the diff breakaway.....LSD slipping at less than 20lb/ft of torque on the hub nut.....should be 50-60lb/ft. Guess my LSD is toast. Suppose it's pretty impressive it lasted 30 years and 3 1/2 seasons of rallycross, lol...

Knurled GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
8/27/15 8:03 p.m.

You need to step up to what all the cool kids have and get a welded open diff so you can break stuff and end up driving other peoples' cars all season because your junk is more FUBAR than (celebrity)'s vahoohah.

Wait a minute...

bluej SuperDork
8/27/15 8:24 p.m.
Knurled wrote: You need to step up to what all the cool kids have and get a motor swap so you can take forever to get it running and end up driving other peoples' cars all season because your junk is more FUBAR than (celebrity)'s vahoohah. Wait a minute...


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