And I’ve had this car for a year, which is longer than I keep most of the junk I drive.
Time for a gotcha day present from me to the wagon.

New skinny whitewalls to keep the time capsule survivor vibe going, less than $300 shipped for all four. Going to get em mounted tomorrow. I’ve also learned you can get eight 235/75r15 tires in a Focus sedan if you try hard enough.
Yay, new tires!
And good grief that thing needs a cleaning!
In reply to Jordan Rimpela :
Ugh, yeah it’s gross. Next week is the first time we should have more than a couple consecutive days without heavy rain so it might finally be worth the effort to attempt to keep it clean.
And on the subject of dirt: so it’s been autocrossed (not by me) and kind of driven halfway in anger on a race track. Should it also be rallycrossed at least once?
I think I know the answer.
It was a hoot to autocross for sure. I recall having fuel starvation issues with hard left turns with anything under a half a tank, so beware of that should you rallycross it. Rear end should be super-controllable with the LSD, but I don't think the OE shocks I put on it will be up to the task.
Not much happening in this build thread so here’s a picture.

I’m really glad I have this car because the 7 year old kid loves it. We’ve made some good memories going camping and taking the wagon to watch racecars.

Just a wagon doing wagon things. The wife’s Focus is getting some stickier rubber. I’m constantly impressed by the things this car will swallow without even having to fold the seat down.
I noticed some cracks in the rubber brake lines on the front so that will have to be addressed soon. Before I begin that job shall we take bets on how many of the bleeder screws are stuck? Also, there’s been a bit of belt squeal on humid mornings or when it’s been raining so I’ve got a new belt, tensioner, and idler to throw on.
Well I did something I should have done a long time ago: spent 10 minutes contorted under the dash replacing the blower motor.
The old one was wobbly and full of walnuts so it wasn’t working very well.
This time of year is the perfect wagon cruisin' time of year!
Gotta enjoy this season while it lasts!
We bought a nice Mazda 5 to be the wife’s main ride so I “inherited” her Focus. That kind of made the wagon redundant as both my main driver and the car we use to carry big stuff.
I had listed it for sale last spring but it’s still here.
Been driving it occasionally when the weather isn’t terrible. This big old thing somehow continues to be one of the most reliable cars I’ve owned.
I’d still be willing to sell it to somebody on the forum here or if not, I’ll keep it. It’s nice to have as a backup vehicle.
My wife’s kid brother (14) thinks it’s cool and said he wants to buy it when he gets his driver’s license. Maybe I’ll make him a deal that if he helps fix it up and learns to work on it I’ll sell it to him cheap when that time comes.