So a friend of mine is starting to restore a sailboat with which he hopes to circumnavigate the globe. Though not an automotive topic, it includes all the things that we love: Craigslist finds, soliciting help from significant others and unwitting friends, and re appropriating things for something other than their intended purpose. Here's the website:
penultimeta wrote:
So a friend of mine is starting to restore a sailboat with which he hopes to circumnavigate the globe. Though not an automotive topic, it includes all the things that we love: Craigslist finds, soliciting help from significant others and unwitting friends, and re appropriating things for something other than their intended purpose. Here's the website:
Given boat isn't actually a word but an anagram (Bring Out Another Thousand) and I am in the marine industry, thanks for posting I will watch with much anticipation.
Ha. That's for sure. We had many beers the night after we found that one of the thru-hulls had gotten wet at some point.
Full keel double-ender is that way to blue water. Slower but safer.
3/20/13 2:24 p.m.
Cool story!
His purchase story sounds similar to my Dad's Beneteau First. Broker said it needed a rear main seal so he knocked thousands off the price. A quick tightening of the valve cover fixed the leak.
There was a time in my youth when I hoped to wast my life on a boat like that. Part of me still wants too. Cool story.
A fantasy of mine but unfortunately not one of my crews.
I suspect that knowing about this, the wife unit is more than willing to keep funding any crazy garage project I dream up.