For some reason, i am having a hell of a time getting a solid number measuring camber on the s10 right now. Neither of the phones I'm using to measure it match up, and I'm not sure which one is right, or if both are wrong. Looks like approximately -1 degree, so at this point I'll leave it. Am I correct in assuming that's not going to cause too much where in the 1600 mile round trip to Gainesville and back? I'll double check toe, and might set it in a tad, and maybe adjust so the steering wheel is actually centered, and call it done, so I can move onto other work.
Also, leaving this link to another thread where I did the alignment a ways back, so I can find the numbers I had back then: DIY Alignment thread
EDIT: Found the digital angle finder I used in the other thread. It's looking like both wheels are in the -.7 to -.8 range. I'll chalk the difference between the original settings and now to a bit of driving around, and my garage floor not being perfectly level. Either way, I don't think I'm going to risk messing it up.
EDIT 2: Toe still appears to be pretty much 0. I don't think I want to risk messing it up to center the steering wheel. I'll move on to underhood cleanup, then maybe get the truck out on the highway to see how it acts at higher speeds.