So we've had this way to long. Like most of my projects I've way over thought it before building.
A little preface. We were in Northern Tool one day and Asa saw this Garden Seat.
He wanted it bad. In a normal dismissive dad way I questioned what he was going to do with it. That's when he started talking about adding an engine and modifying different parts. Ok now I couldn't say no. He got it as a birthday present.
I kept putting off building it because I just couldn't come up with a plan. So yesterday we decided to just build it to the factory design and then decide how to modify it.
Here it is in all it's glory.

We need to work on steering and driving position. After we get that worked out we'll see about motorizing it.
6/19/17 5:26 p.m.
Extend the rear axle and you got a perfect spot to drop a Briggs and a sprocket where that basket is. Does the front end steer like a wagon?
It's a rear steer with that lever acting as a pitman arm. I think it can be converted to front steer easy enough. We also have a power wheels electric kart that we can rob parts off of.
Do you have any battery powered tools? People have been building drill powered bikes with as simple a drive system as the chuck rubbing against the tire to as complicated as buying right angle drives and attaching a sprocket. The batteries are the most expensive part. The tools can be picked up refurbed or on craigslist cheap.
In reply to MrJoshua:
I just so happened to get a couple of Milwaukee batteries and a charger for free a few weeks back. Let me see what's on CL.
6/19/17 7:27 p.m.
If you're going the powerwheels route, look into a cheap brushless rc car motor. A 540 or better will be pretty awesome.
I agree with the electric idea. I feel that power wheels stuff is the way to go. It way too small to be incredibly fast, but small enough to have a blast on. Voltage increase and reasonable steering,....this will be just enough fun to acquire minor bumps and bruises. I like it! 
If you want to go simple and give him something to ride right now-Just put your tool battery in the powerwheels and a board where the seat goes to make more room. He will look kinda like a bear on a tricycle, but he will be laughing with amusement the entire time.