This is not the 150 HR update. I am at 149.5 hours.
Today I welded the box section onto the shear plates. I then built the lower tubes that will be beneath the engine. Hopefully the design is becoming a bit more obvious.
I'm hopeful that I get the subframe done this week. I realized that it's going to be tricky to get it in and out with the enigine and chassis on the build table. The engine will kind of drop down into the subframe and the chassis prevents lifting the engine up so it's a bit of a think ahead on what parts to weld when on the subframe. Eventually a piece of 1" tube will go across the front of the oil pan and that will make everything difficult.
+4 hrs, +$11.36 (44" 1" OD x .125 wall $4.95, $6.42 .58 sq-ft .090 4130 sheet)
Some of the welds where ground down. This was due to tight clearance around the bell housing I swear.
Not at all because Gumby is watching...