10/21/14 10:27 p.m.
People must look at you like you came from another planet when you drive that around on the streets. I love it. I get a decent amount of attention when I drive the Mini, but that's mostly people just looking to see how many clowns are inside I think.
I do get looked at, smiled at, waved to, thumbs up, called to...all the time....and many photos taken of it.
Got my engine cover shipped, arrived and test fit looks good. This is the factory one, I am going to use it as a mold to make one without louvers. You'll see....
30 photos from my road trips in the car....
Neat! The engine cover really finishes it off nicely.
Was at SEMA last week. Found an alcohol injection kit I liked, and bought it at a great price. When it arrives I'll add that on so I can use the higher end of my two-stage boost controlled computer.
11/10/14 11:16 a.m.
This car is really cool, and I love your road trip photos! I'm surprised that you want a louver-less engine lid (I like the looks), but you clearly have some plan cooking. Can't wait to see what it is!
That's awesome. What's it like cruising with your temporary 'targa' panel up there? Do you get a lot of wind buffeting or are you quite well sheltered? What's it like as a road trip car? 5,400 miles in one trip is nothing to be sneezed at.
Top does not buffet. Had it up to 100 and the top does fine, even at speed. When it rains a few drops get in, but not much. Keeps the heat in too when its cold.
I just got an original targa top shipped to me. :) But it needs some bolt changes to work on my car...and paint.
FUN in a road trip. Lots of leg room. More than you would think. Recro seats are from 1990 and need replaced or freshened up. But comfortable enough. Even at 10 hours a day driving.
Thinking of next year going to the Carlisle show in PN...it that crazy or what? 2,880 miles one way.
11/11/14 7:39 p.m.
Was there a video of this thing kicking butt on a racetrack yet in this thread? I think we all need one.
Only video I have of it was from the early 90's when a magazine guy was taking advantage of her.
Love these cars and it's just been made worse by listening to the GRM Podcast where JG talkes to Warren Mosler. Are there any pics of Counsulier chassis around the web so I can get a better look at how they were actually made. Do coupes ever come up for sale? Not that I could afford one, but hey a guy can always use another day dream can't he 
Small Consulier story:
I went to the hardware store today. I ran into a guy that moved away from the road I live on. Real nice guy but lost his phone number and have not seen him for about two years. We talk a while (he likes cars too), also found out where he lives. He asked me what I have been up to. Tell him I bought a sports car. He wants to know what it is. I tell him it’s a Consulier...I was about to continue and say GTP. But he interrupts me and says “A GTP? REALLY?
I was shocked he knew what it was. He was shocked I had one. He said his Dad was a mobil mechanic for them. Not sure where that was or what that means, but will ask more later. He said he knew all about them. He has my card and will come over to see it AND help me install my wood stove into my shop (he used to have a business doing that kind of thing)
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
I was at the factory and saw them. Didn't take photos.
Here are some shots outside the factory.
Thanks. Cool photo's. So it looks like they are made with a double skinned construction. I'm guessing it's not aluminium honeycomb but foam instead. I guess they built up the foam then skinned both sides with fiberglass. Possibly the outer surface was laid up in a mold, then the foam stuck to it, then the inner fiberglass and built from the outside in. Is that correct? That's what it looks like in this pic where the one in the middle has had the nose cut off.
I don't know fiberglass building. I do know they were super strong. I know there was foam, so you might be right. I know there was kevlar at points they wanted stronger. I know the "pan" was honeycomb.
why so many unused uncared for bodies?
Mad_Ratel wrote:
why so many unused uncared for bodies?
They didn't actually sell very well, plus I suspect more than a few were used for testing/racing, etc.
JohnnyBquick wrote:
<img src="
Is that the Egyptian Theatre in Coos Bay? I spent many months out there working at the Oregon Resources Corporation processing plant, that was sadly shut down in 2012/2013. Good memories, gorgeous part of the world.
Yes Coos Bay. My adopted town.
This yellow was a race car at one time.
The black one was a crash test dummy car.