Didn't sell it. Renting a 'shop' a few towns over, now it's sitting alongside my brother's Volksrod-in-progress waiting for me to get some time off and some motivation to tear into her again.
Hiding in the corner at a pizza party neither of us were invited to:
And I couldn't help but spend more money on it the other day. Found a set of 14x6 vintage mesh mystery wheels for sale locally, and cheap. Not real 3-piece, although they appear to have been manufactured with the centers and barrels separate, then welded together.
Debating whether to get adapters and run them as-is, or go full-blown custom by filling and redrilling to the correct bolt pattern, using a lathe to separate the centers, then buying modular lips and barrels to build them out to whatever size I decide will look best. Benefit of that is I could also do a step-lip to go up to 15" or 16" if I wanted. Time will tell.