34 days to go
I got it! Get some friends to crouch in the empty engine bay and make vroom noises as they push the car to the front of the house from the inside. It's bound to work perfectly
759NRNG wrote: que color? sorry I had a Española lapse...
No te preocupes, lo voy a pintár un azul oscuro.
759NRNG wrote: con metallica o no? y el interior? rojo ...gris.....caramelo..? translator is so much fun
Sin ningun metalico. Diez anos viviendo en Puerto Rico tambien fue muy divertido.
To quote Sam L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction "English Motherberker! Do you speak it?!" Jk jk haha but this was a perfect opportunity and I couldn't let it slip away from me
And now I'm confuzed? Maybe? I don't know. It's hard to think straight with that beautiful engine to stare at.
Any Pulp Fiction reference is a cause for celebration.
Nohome - lots of time/experience with those Ford motors from the 20 years I had one in my Volvo. If you run into questions about the best way/best gaskets to keep the oil and coolant where it's supposed to be, holler....
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