As is typical for our type of person I keep looking at Craigslist even when I have no need or time for a project. Yesterday that bit me in the butt. Browsing the boats for sale, there was a 2003 Sea-Doo GTX Supercharged without trailer listed for $200. I know nothing about jet skis and have no need for one but have always enjoyed riding them given the chance and also know that a modern-ish 4-stroke ski is worth more than $200 even in parts. I emailed the seller my phone number and they texted me back. We worked out a time for me to come look at the ski, and I asked about title. He offered to go get a duplicate since he lost the original, and I offered to pay for his fees and time. Already this is not your typical $200 abandoned jet ski story.
The scheduled time approached, and I hooked up my utility trailer and threw some cribbing and straps in the back. I texted him to make sure we were still on, and headed the whopping 5 miles up the road to get it. I knew the area was nice, but holy crap. His driveway is a short road really, shared with about five other houses, and passes over a beautiful deep ravine cut in shale walls with a waterfall. You pass over a broad concrete and steel bridge to go over the ravine. The road transitions to gravel and here is a beautiful stone and shake timber frame house surrounded by natural landscaping and low stone walls. The jet ski is already hanging from straps supported by the forks of a front end loader equipped tractor. Yeah, this is not your typical $200 abandoned jet ski.
Turns out he's the original owner and has had problems keeping it out of limp home mode ever since some friends of his accidentally rolled it trying to climb back on the side. I did not expect that - I assumed it would have a lunched engine or something else terrible. Not to say it was pretty. The foot wells were full of muck and leaves and the whole thing was covered in lichen and mildew. He helped me get it set on the trailer using his tractor (awesome!) and we shot the E36 M3 for a while as I worked on getting it supported and strapped down. His story is a lot like mine: got a good deal on an amazing property (5 acres in one of the nicest outer ring suburbs of Columbus!) and has managed to hang on to it while the area around him appreciates. Neither one of us could ever afford or justify buying what we've got now.
Anyway, I got it secured and I realized I should pay him - handed him the $200 plus $50 for his time and title fees. Then I realized the title needed notarized. Well, I'm going to have to trust him and it seems like a safe risk. I put my information on the title and he said he would mail it to me when he gets it notarized in the next few days.
The trip home I stayed on side streets which was a good thing as my weight balance was way off. The trailer was knocking and bumping but at 35mph the steering was fine. At home in all its glory:
Life, uh uh uh, finds a way: