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gjz30075 Reader
7/17/13 5:27 a.m.

Plenty of room to carry all the swag to events! David, personal or GRM (or CM) vehicle?

hobiercr GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
7/17/13 10:47 a.m.

One of these is on my short list. I-6, paddle shifters and LOTS of aftermarket suspension and performance mods available.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/17/13 11:08 a.m.
gjz30075 wrote: Plenty of room to carry all the swag to events! David, personal or GRM (or CM) vehicle?

Personal, although I'm sure it will show up at an event or two.

Adrian_Thompson UberDork
7/17/13 3:27 p.m.

Can I play? Not a classic (yet), but I'm 100% sure it will be 10 years down the line. I love my baby wagon/hatch and will keep it for ever. This is super practical and more room than it looks.

ian @ Jewel Or Jalopy
ian @ Jewel Or Jalopy New Reader
7/18/13 9:24 p.m.
David S. Wallens wrote: And ta da: calatina_safari

Awesome! I'm a huge wagon fan. We had a BMW e34 525it which I loved. I swapped a 5-speed in and added a euro tow hitch. Then we sold it to buy an e39 540it. I think if I could have just one I'd take the e34. It was slower, but with the 5-speed I didn't care. It looks fantastic and was rock-solid reliable.

My folks never had a wagon, or convertible. Just a beetle and sedans. Maybe that's why I love both wagons and convertibles now? Who knows.

We will definitely have a classic wagon someday to tow our 66 Streamline.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/19/13 4:52 p.m.

Thanks. So far, so good. Today the wagon got a new alternator--$60.

friedgreencorrado UltimaDork
7/19/13 5:37 p.m.
David S. Wallens wrote: Thanks. So far, so good. Today the wagon got a new alternator--$60.

Maybe it's because I've been (largely) an import guy since I could hold a wrench, but the low prices for parts on US cars still just astonishes me. It's like I logically understand how many models used the same parts, and the sheer volume of cars produced (compared to most imports)..but I still don't get it emotionally. I had to replace the alternator on SWMBO's Explorer a couple of years back, the guy at the parts counter at O'malZone said, "..I'm afraid a rebuilt's about $70."

Me: "Really, that cheap?!? How much for a new one?"

Him: "About $115."

Me: "Oh, man! Gimme the new one!"

Him (looks out the window into the parking lot): "Is that your VW out there?"

Nice score, David. Enjoy the thing. And that Mitty road trip sounds great. I think I'll have actually accrued some vacation time by then, hope to see y'all next year.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/19/13 9:49 p.m.

I should clarify that the alternator was rebuilt--new to me but still rebuilt. But it was rebuilt locally as we have an alternator/starter shop just down the street from our office: http://www.dlenzautoelectric.com

friedgreencorrado UltimaDork
7/20/13 1:50 a.m.
David S. Wallens wrote: I should clarify that the alternator was rebuilt--new to me but still rebuilt. But it was rebuilt locally as we have an alternator/starter shop just down the street from our office: http://www.dlenzautoelectric.com

I am slowly learning that a local rebuild is a much better bet than one from China. (VW stuff again). I don't mind doing the work..I just hate doing it three or four times.

Adrian_Thompson UberDork
7/20/13 9:19 a.m.

We had an employee car show at work yesterday. Amongst all the Mustangs, Tbirds Panteras, Cobra replicas etc there was one way cool car. A 1969 Country Squire wagon with a 428 and 4 on the floor. Supposedly it was one of one built. Never restored, plenty of surface rust (sorry patina) I wish I'd had a camera with me (no no at work)

SilverFleet SuperDork
7/22/13 11:42 a.m.

I love wagons. Whether they are old steel beasts or newer sporty ones, I think they are cool. I've only had one wagon so far ( a 2002 WRX) and I loved it. I'd love to get another at some point.

Like I've said in a few other threads, I missed an opportunity about 12 or so years ago to own a really cool 1968 Buick Sport Wagon with the Vista Roof. It was sooooo cool, and I passed because I didn't like the fact that it was green. I actually ran into the former owner of the car a couple of days back. We talked about it, and he was still bummed that he let it go for so cheap. He told me that it had ZERO rust and it came from South Carolina, just to rub salt in the old wound.

Last year, one of my uncles offered me a big ol' warbeast: a mid 70's Ford Country Squire. He said it was rusty and was sitting on a property he was cleaning up. It hadn't run in years. Since I don't have the room, I passed. I really don't regret that though. I couldn't afford the gas on that thing anyway.

In terms of modern wagons, there are some cool ones that have come out in the past 20 or so years. My friend has quite the unicorn: a 1996 VW Passat TDI with a manual. If you went to the Challenge last year, it was there (we drove it down from MA as a support vehicle). His must have 230k+ on it now and it still runs great. He told me the other day that he put a new exhaust on it because the old one rotted off and got a mild tune, and now it runs better than ever and gets absolutely incredible gas mileage. I know he was averaging in the mid-high 40's before, but now it does even better than that. I think it might bring us to the Challenge again this year.

I also want a 2000's Volvo V70R in the worst way. They are so awesome. I think they look a lot better than the sedan. These are destined to be future classics.

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