My friend had a water pump and related Heater parts installed and after its warmed up It will steadly push coolant out the overflow and overheats. Do they need to burp or is there a way to determine If its a Gasket or Cyl.cracked,I can do a cyl pressure test,But usually a gasket or cyl.leak makes a pulseing not just steady lite pressure,It's raining so just thought I'd ask before getting wet.
Yes, they need to be bled. I have the FSM for a '99 Vette at home but I don't know if your car uses the same procedure.
Lets go google, thanks, any one else ,something creative
Is the radiator cap good?
itsarebuild wrote:
Is the radiator cap good?
This, any car will boil over with nothing wrong other than a dead cap.
Yes the cap was first on the check list,Looks good,Rubber is soft,Really hard to screw on and off,so much so I bought a new one for 7 bucks,That fixed it,Need to put a few more miles on it though, so looking at the old cap, up inside where the pressure valve is,it looks corroded and no spring like movement,so far I don't see me making any money. thanks ya'll
BrokenYugo wrote:
itsarebuild wrote:
Is the radiator cap good?
This, any car will boil over with nothing wrong other than a dead cap.
Yeah, not always. On my name sake 320i, it was a warped head allowing cylinder gas in to the cooling system. Head gasket told that story (what a jerk HG...).
Said warped head supposed to have been checked at machine shop rebuild - but hard to prove when you take 3-5 years to get around to putting the motor together after picking up the head (I guess next time I'll straight edge and feeler gauge that sucker myself...).
In reply to OldGray320i:
I'm not saying a dead cap is the only possible problem, but rather that a dead cap will always lead to overheating/boiling over/leaking out the overflow, that's just physics. Radiator caps are like the spark plugs of cooling systems, when in doubt you start there, or just always start there since its a cheap wear item.
Yeah had my Friend Let me make the Inital repairs a new Cap is ALWAYS on the menu,and I coulda made a few Bucks, 10 minutes and 7 dollars make it had to justyfy charging him.
BrokenYugo wrote:
In reply to OldGray320i:
I'm not saying a dead cap is the only possible problem, but rather that a dead cap will always lead to overheating/boiling over/leaking out the overflow, that's just physics. Radiator caps are like the spark plugs of cooling systems, when in doubt you start there, or just always start there since its a cheap wear item.
Ah, got it - I read it backwards... troof.