I have everything plugged in, the engine turns over, I hear the fuel pump running, the crank position sensor is in the right clearance with the tang things on the front pulley. The CAS is plugged in as is my MAF. I have the fuel hardline closest to the front of the car running to the rail and one towards the rear running to the FPR. I'm stumped. What could I have missed?
The fuel lines are backwards.
Check the grounds from the harness to make sure they are actually grounding.
I had a week of frustration when I took the ground from the injectors and hooked it to the valve cover bolt rather than the temp sensor tube bracket.
This was actually a 1.6 turbo from a 91 Capri but the thought is the same.
At least I think it was the ground for the injectors..it came from that bundle and ran after I moved it.