So, this fall, while at the Tail Of The Dragon, the transmission started acting up in my Miata. At first, I noticed that the clutch was slipping whenever I would hit 5000rpm in 2nd gear and up. Frustrating, because it had a new 250lb-ft rated ACT with 8000 miles on it. I parked it for the day, because the weather was 40 degrees and rainy and a 245whp Miata on near-bald Rival S 1.5Ss in those conditions is frightening. The next day was warmer and dry, so I decided to run the Miata but just keep engine speeds down. After one trip up the Dragon, it picked up a slight rattle that went away when I pushed the clutch in. My friends and I figured it was maybe a throw-out bearing going away, again, frustrating because it had 8000 miles on it. Parked the car, hopped in with a friend, and figured I would be okay for the long drive home because it's mostly bombing along in top gear. Go to take it back to the campsite, and the noise seems much louder, but figure I'm paranoid. Get a quarter way back to the camp and the trans pops out of gear and it starts making the worst noise I have ever heard a car make, like someone threw a fistful of gravel in the transmission. Park it, rent a U-Haul, tow it back to NY and let it think about what it's done for a few months.
Finally pushed the car in the garage the other night, bench press the transmission out of it, for like the 3rd time in 5 years, and what do I find?
Note the input shaft plate bolt that is completely MIA. These bolts are not blind, you can see the shaft bearings through the hole. This caused all the trans fluid to leak out and trash the whole thing. What's odd is that the bolt is nowhere to be found. It's not in the bellhousing, it's not on the ground, it's not trapped in the pressure plate, the only opening would be the clutch fork opening, and the rubber boot was in place and intact, so it didn't fly out there. No witness marks in the bellhousing or the pressure plate, flywheel or block where it ricocheted around in there.
Also, the clutch disc has contamination from the fluid, so that's junk. And the pressure plate and flywheel have hot-spotting as well, and the flywheel has been heavily cut once, and I don't like that the machine shop cut the dowel fins off of it. So I guess, it's getting it's 3rd clutch and 2nd flywheel in 5 years. Ugh. Also, is it odd for a clutch to have tapered wear? The outer edges of the friction material are noticeably worn more than the inner edges