Driving home yesterday in my C900, I noticed the A/C - which is usually surprisingly effective - was cooling somewhat intermittently. I figured since it was a very hot, sunny day (ambient ~90F) it was just having trouble keeping up. Then I noticed a strange smell, so I decided to pull over and have a look. When I stopped there was a curl of smoke emanating from under the hood, which clearly did not bode well.
Popped the hood and saw the source of the smoke:
This made me think that the clutch on the compressor might be the culprit, and sure enough when I engaged it I could see that it was barely spinning the compressor. Kept it off and drove home without incident or reoccurrence of the smell. The belt, which I pulled off this morning, looked fine and showed no signs of heat or friction damage. That said, I've now read that there is a bearing in there somewhere that's prone to failure, so that could be the problem. Spinning the pulley with the belt off seems OK and without any horrible grinding or roughness.
It seems to me that the clutch is going to have to come off in any case, and if that happens I should probably replace the troublesome bearing as well, but then what? I can't find a source for the clutch alone. Are they rebuildable? Are there generic units that I can fit? Or is it just suck it up and buy a rebuilt compressor (which I'd rather not do if the clutch is the problem, as it's real money and I'm not sure how much I trust rebuilders these days, plus I'd have to open the system and recharge it)?