I was looking at the voids in my bushings today. We used to fill the honda motor mounts with window weld with good results....
Any benefit to filling miata diff mounts? Challenge car....
I was looking at the voids in my bushings today. We used to fill the honda motor mounts with window weld with good results....
Any benefit to filling miata diff mounts? Challenge car....
Just clean really well with dishwashing soap and hot water,to clean any oil or gas leftovers, pour in some 2 part pollyurathain ,( spell check on phone) let harden reinstall. Will not the engine twist to much,so a little more torque to the back wheels also should to tranny mount for better results.
Most of the engine twist comes from the PPF twisting, as designed, or the motor mounts flexing. Miata motor mounts take a beating, but it's not as obvious when they fail as with a transverse FWD. Miatas don't have a transmission mount the way most cars do.
You'll definitely get an increase in NVH and it's possible that you might cut down on wheel hop a bit.
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