Appleseed MegaDork
9/25/14 4:59 p.m.

What a can of worms. I have a 2005 Crown Vic. I had my brother buy it for me out in Montana. Somewhere between there and home in Illinois, the title was lost. What I assume is that I apply for a lost title in Illinois, right? If I read the DMV web site correct, a form gets sent out to the original owner, filled out and sent back to me for $95. Then I use that to transfer the title to my name for $95.

Problem is the original owner wants nothing to do with this car, and has granted my brother power of attorney. Because my brother has power of attorney, I assume he fills out the form?

oldopelguy SuperDork
9/25/14 5:19 p.m.

If your brother has power of attorney in Montana then he should go to a DMV there and use it to apply for a replacement title. When it arrives he would then again use his power of attorney to sign the back of the new title and fill out a bill of sale selling it to you. You would then transfer it to your name in the normal way for IL.

You can't really apply for a lost title in IL because you don't own the car yet and IL doesn't even know the car exists yet.

chrispy Reader
9/26/14 7:04 a.m.

What oldopelguy said.

Klayfish UltraDork
9/26/14 7:22 a.m.

Sure hope the power of attorney is an actual legal document, and not just something written on scrap paper. If the title is still in the original owners' name, your brother may even have difficulty getting a replacement without cooperation of the titled owner.

Appleseed MegaDork
9/26/14 9:14 a.m.

The letter stating power of attorney is notarized. If this was in Illinois I'd be worried. Montana, even at bureaucratic levels, is far more reasonible dealing with these things.

yamaha UltimaDork
9/26/14 11:23 a.m.

If that falls through, there might be a legal means there in Illinois. Here in your slightly more awesome eastern neighbor......we can take a bill of sale, fill out an affidavit of ownership, then run it through the court system. It ends up costing $200 or so, but that is a lot better than having a car you can't do anything with.

novaderrik PowerDork
9/26/14 11:53 a.m.
yamaha wrote: If that falls through, there might be a legal means there in Illinois. Here in your slightly more awesome eastern neighbor......we can take a bill of sale, fill out an affidavit of ownership, then run it through the court system. It ends up costing $200 or so, but that is a lot better than having a car you can't do anything with.

Crown Vics make great parts cars... don't need a title to swap the motor into something else..

and i don't see what the confusing "issue" with the title is: the person that last registered it needs to file for a lost title. you might have to slip a little extra cash to the previous owner for their time and effort, but at least here in MN you can expedite the lost title paperwork and have a clean title in the hands of the registered owner in a couple of days, then transfer it to your name. being 1500 miles away might make it a little more fun, but the post office still charges less than half a dollar to send things in envelopes across the country in a couple of days..

Appleseed MegaDork
9/26/14 3:27 p.m.

The previous owner is kind of a nutter. Refuses to set foot inside of a Dmv or courthouse. That's why I hope the notarized PoA will sufice.

novaderrik PowerDork
9/26/14 4:54 p.m.

get the paperwork delivered to him somehow... no need for him to even leave his house, except maybe to get it notarized if that's required in his state.

in MN, the lost title form is about a half a page long, and isn't printed on any special paper or anything- they just tear it off a big pile of them... in fact, i think you can download it from the MN DPS website... maybe his state is the same way? fire up the google machine and see what you learn..

Appleseed MegaDork
9/26/14 5:39 p.m.

Yeah, you can download the form from Montana DMV. The question is, if it eventually requires him to fill it out, will he?

First things first however.

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