No, I don't mean dressing up your base Impreza as an STI, or pretending you have a running biturbo, I'm talking about skills.
For me specifically, I'm still not sure I know how to drive manual. "But Rev, you've owned a few, there's even one in the driveway right now", yes, that is true, but I never really was taught.
I'd had the theory down since I was a kid, clutch pedal goes down, gas goes up, and if gas goes down, clutch goes up, clutch down or in neutral at a stop.
Way way back in time and down in nonextradition land, a friend with a Saturn SL2 decided he was going to teach me one night, after about a case of beer. Worked fine enough until I killed the starter on the steepest hill around trying to pull out without doing a burnout.
Fast forward a few years, and I've limped an F350 dump truck around a job site, stalling every time I shifted out of low, my only other experience until being dropped off 45 minutes from home to pickup my first Miata, and first manual I actually owned.
Working on theory alone, I made it home with one stall and a few 1-2-5 shifts. 50k miles later, that car disappeared.
Couple more years go by, the Saturn SL2 from before is now mine, and I got a brief "lesson" in snow driving a fwd stick "stay a gear above where you think you should be". It worked, got me through that winter.
Then another Miata, then the ranger, and now the SRT.
I've never replaced a clutch, I've only ever smelled burning clutch when I did a Miata burnout that went 1-2-5, but I still feel like I don't know how to drive stick.
I politely decline other people's offers to drive their cars because I'm not confident I'm doing things right and I don't want to damage them, like the guys at autocross, or Angrys Impala, or even my mechanics loaner vehicle, despite passing my own cars around like a joint at a Grateful Dead show.
I never get those butter smooth shifts up or down, although I got pretty good at no clutch upshifts. I've stopped doing those with the turbo car. Heel toe? No way, my feet have been either too big or somehow to small to make that work.
I realize never needing to replace a clutch, getting decent wear from my tires, and winning an autocross class one year means I'm at least half decent at it, but I can't shake the feeling I'm just faking it even after all these years and miles.