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toconn New Reader
6/12/13 1:20 a.m.

You know... I could come up with a lot... but there are 2 that really get to me:

People who don't turn off their highbeams for oncoming traffic

People who tailgate motorcyclists

Appleseed UltimaDork
6/12/13 2:56 a.m.

Blinkers. I don't know what the hell you intend to do without them.

ebonyandivory HalfDork
6/12/13 5:28 a.m.
doc_speeder wrote: CumminGs...

OMGWTFLOL I love that one (hate it actually)!!!

ebonyandivory HalfDork
6/12/13 5:29 a.m.
doc_speeder wrote: Disc breaks

Did anyone add "disk" brakes yet?

Woody GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/12/13 5:46 a.m.
AverageH wrote: When tires make a burnout squeel sound when in the dirt in movies.

Did you ever notice that all motorcycles on TV and in movies either sound like two strokes or Harleys?

aussiesmg UltimaDork
6/12/13 5:55 a.m.

Or the V8 sounds from the soundtrack while you are watching a Fusion peel out in hot pursuit

M030 HalfDork
6/12/13 6:28 a.m.

In reply to ebonyandivory:

I'll add to that, " you have to take the hole car, not just parts" and when people can't spell the name of the car they're selling. It says it on the back for chrissakes! It's not a Camero, a Camery, a Voltswagen or a Christler

noddaz GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
6/12/13 6:28 a.m.
Spoolpigeon wrote: *snip* People that don't use turn signals. *snip*


And HID headlamps.

M030 HalfDork
6/12/13 6:32 a.m.

I also can't stand when people call on a car I'm selling and ask things like, "how many mileages does it have?"

It's got one, right at the bottom of the speedometer, and if you read the whole ad, you'd know what the mileage is

Ian F
Ian F PowerDork
6/12/13 6:55 a.m.
Woody wrote: There are a handful of cars from the early 90's that I'd like to own, but refuse to, because they are equipped with those stupid automatic seatbelts.

Gah! Every time I miss my old Integra, I just have to remember those blasted belts... Grrr....

moparman76_69 Dork
6/12/13 7:21 a.m.
noddaz wrote: HID headlamps.

Any headlight bulb that is a blue or white light should be banned. Some of the factory lights now are just as bad or worse than the E36 M3y ebay HID stuff.

93EXCivic MegaDork
6/12/13 7:24 a.m.

Trailer queens. I have zero interest in a car that goes everywhere on a trailer unless it is a race car.

fasted58 PowerDork
6/12/13 7:30 a.m.

I hate automotive paint that changes colors when you turn your back. Hello Ford, I'm talking to you. I woulda owned that Tungsten Gray Mustang GT if it didn't turn purple/ lilac in overcast skies... reminds me of an Easter egg.

There's a reason kids don't use all the crayons in the 64 Crayola box... because they suck.

don't get me started on interiors

ebonyandivory HalfDork
6/12/13 7:35 a.m.

Skidding sounds on tv/movie when the car (usually a homicide detectives car pulling up to a murder scene) driving 5mph comes to a stop.

The sheer lack of canned burnout sounds out there used for effect. The one from the original OVERHAULIN' has been reused so many times its obnoxious. Wrecks to Riches uses it all the time for every burnout no matter the car.

914Driver MegaDork
6/12/13 7:42 a.m.

Skidding sounds or hot melting rubber peeling our sounds on a dirt road!

914Driver MegaDork
6/12/13 7:43 a.m.

People driving around at night with no tail lights because they have DRLs and are too stupid to turn the lights on.

foxtrapper PowerDork
6/12/13 7:53 a.m.
Ian F wrote:
Woody wrote: There are a handful of cars from the early 90's that I'd like to own, but refuse to, because they are equipped with those stupid automatic seatbelts.
Gah! Every time I miss my old Integra, I just have to remember those blasted belts... Grrr....

Laughing, those things were the pits. Nearly tore my nose off more times than I care to remember.

cwaters New Reader
6/12/13 7:56 a.m.

People who use their hazard flashers in the just because it's raining. Especially those who remain in the left lane. These people never lived where "white out" is a real fact of life.

pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
6/12/13 8:01 a.m.

Body Cladding
Fog Lights on when it is sunny and clear outside
Brand Haters
Truck Nutz
Cars that require engine removal for spark plug or oil changes.

Adrian_Thompson UberDork
6/12/13 8:54 a.m.

90% of Harley's on the road (Loud pipes don't save lives, then make me want to end yours)
Toyota Highlanders
20 forward gears in car chases
Freeway left lane hogs
The whole concept of speed cameras - WTF is the point of the NRA if they don't resolve this!!!! (Note I'm fine with red light cameras if calibrated properly, not as revenue generators)
People who constantly complain about cars becoming safer all the time.

One peeve that’s now died out is the constant fawning over everything Toyota did in by the press in the face of contrary evidence in so many places. Ditto the same press bashing domestic automakers over the same. The last 3 years seems to have brought some parity in reporting.

93EXCivic MegaDork
6/12/13 9:07 a.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote: Toyota Highlanders

This seems random. Story?

egnorant Dork
6/12/13 9:10 a.m.

Raised 4X4 4 door truck with 45 inch tires, winch, roll bars, 6 driving lights on the grill AND roll bar, brush guard bumpers that of course put all those light directly in your rear view mirror as you do the speed limit on a straight road. Then they MUST pass you to be the first to the exit ramp where they do 9 mph only to floor it and dare someone to not let them merge.

Then they pull into a parking lot and STOP at each speed bump to creep over it at a specific angle. I watch them park in a covered parking area taking 2 handicap spaces where they spend 10 minutes putting on a car cover and activating alarms. Then they get mad when you point out that they missed a spot of wax ON THEIR DRIVESHAFT!!

How was your morning?


Bababooey Reader
6/12/13 9:16 a.m.

Lifted trucks with black wheels, big tires, and a huge Monster Energy sticker in the rear window.

mazdeuce Dork
6/12/13 9:18 a.m.

Plastic tabs. Why can't we just screw things together any more? Every single plastic tab on every car will eventually break if you try to take it apart when it's old. I don't even mind plastic, really, just the fact that I can't fix things without breaking them.

Ian F
Ian F PowerDork
6/12/13 9:26 a.m.
mazdeuce wrote: Plastic tabs. Why can't we just screw things together any more? Every single plastic tab on every car will eventually break if you try to take it apart when it's old. I don't even mind plastic, really, just the fact that I can't fix things without breaking them.

This is easy. Manufacturers design cars to go together as quickly as possible on an assembly line. Plastic tabs go together much, much faster than a human or robot turning screws. Most of them (especially the body-molding types) are not intended to come apart without breaking.

Learned all of this the hard way working on MINIs.

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