The other day, whilst changing the oil in my Tacoma, I noticed that I was getting a little acid around the positive battery terminal. I cleaned it up with some baking soda and happened to notice the date of manufacture.
October 2004! Holy crap, I can't believe that the original battery has lasted that long. Can't complain about that.
My 2003 ZRX's original battery died over the winter. Certainly nothing to complain about either, although it had me wondering how long the replacement battery would last.
I was able to get 10-1/2 years out of my last Interstate... Guess what I replaced it with ?
i have a 1999 optima red top in my explorer. its been in 6 cars and a boat, it still wont die. its been in minus 4 degress in idaho, its been 10.50 ET in the 1/4 in AZ, its been 145 in the open plains of OK, and its been 40mph on the lake in my dads boat.
its had a long life, and keeps on going.
9+ yrs from the OEM in my Integra ... so I went to the dealership for a replacement ... we'll see how good it is
I just replaced the factory one in my 03 focus this past winter as well
I assume they're all doing it now, but I saw how the computer controls the alternator in late model GM vehicles, and I was shocked at how many different "modes" they had. There was charging, discharge, desulfation, idle, etc. I bet that has a lot to do with why they're lasting as long as they do now.
I've got the original batteries in my '99 Miata and '03 MINI. I got 12 years out of the original battery in my last Astro. I can't complain about batteries these days.
I think I got seven or eight years out of the original battery in one of my '96 Miatas.
1990 Miata, OEM battery. Stored outside, driven all year. 4 seasons where I am.
On a side note OEM Mazda batteries seem to be damn good.
A friend of mine has the OEM 99 Mazda 626 battery still installed. Never has a problem, starts every time. Not stored inside, at all. Plus the full effects of winter.
Yeah, when I was much younger there was a place in town that sold 'rebuilt' batteries, they basically did what mguar described, spray painted them then sold them for $15-$20. Since a new battery was ~$40 the rebuilts sold like hotcakes.
The Hankook gel cell batteries I use usually get a dead cell within 3-4 years...
I'd like to switch to an Optima Yellowtop for the Sammy and a small lithium battery for the 'rolla but they are unobtanium around here - the lithium batteries are illegal to import (yet you can bring in all the laptops and cell phones you want).
The battery in my 2002 Liberty was still going strong when I traded it last year.
9/3/12 12:52 p.m.
GameboyRMH wrote:
The Hankook gel cell batteries I use usually get a dead cell within 3-4 years...
I'd like to switch to an Optima Yellowtop for the Sammy and a small lithium battery for the 'rolla but they are unobtanium around here - the lithium batteries are illegal to import (yet you can bring in all the laptops and cell phones you want).
is this what you're after ? or is there some other type of lithium batt ...?,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=f9a136ce0200bd6e&biw=1280&bih=610
Yep a lithium car/bike battery like the ones Braille makes. Illegal to import one of those, but a bigass crate of lithium laptop batteries is fair game.
I put one of these lithium ones in my miata. Wonder how long it will last.
You should see what I'm using in my GT right now. I'll have to take a pic, because you wouldn't believe it if I told you
are these illegal ?
Yep any lithium automotive battery is. But I wonder if they could be passed off as UPS batteries, hmm...
In reply to GameboyRMH:
Not that I would encourage you to do anything illegal , but that's exactly what I was thinking when I read your post.
The OEM battery lasted 2-1/2 years on the '05 Mazda MPV. I thought it was a fluke. Then the replacement battery went dead in.... You guessed it! Two and a half years. Wait, is it getting on into 2012? Shoot!
From what I hear, the power sliding doors are largely to blame.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Yep any lithium automotive battery is. But I wonder if they could be passed off as UPS batteries, hmm...
What about a battery for an RC car?
That's what I'm using now
Same as this one, just different configuration. It's a little bigger than 4 C cells, and was $44 to my door.
You guys are crackin' me up!