Anyone make the jump from spray cans to buying brake cleaner by the gallon and using a refillable metal sprayer?
I like the idea of not chucking all those spray cans once they are empty. The cost difference per ounce looks to be similar. The down side is a sprayer is about $50 on Amazon
Anyone have any info or recommendations? I use brake cleaner for so many things other than just brake jobs.
We do. We get the brake cleaner by the 5 gallon bucket from a local dealership / industrial supply company
I like it so much better than using the cans. The rebuild kits for the sprayers are cheap too, and can be rebuilt. The main thing is to make sure the schraeder valves don't get damaged from drops / falling off the table. I put a large rubber bleeder cap on it to protect it
We have 2 with brake cleaner (one for each bay) and one clearly labeled with a 50/50 mix of ATF / Acetone for penetrant
The Red and Blue sprayers are 35 bucks if you're a prime member
ave a 55 gallon drum at work...
Walmart 91% isopropyl alcohol, even has a squirt lid. Or use a sure shot sprayer.