I have a standalone management system and extras I paid over $2k for that I am struggling to sell. It is basically a few splices and a few sensor connectors away from running a four cylinder engine, and has massive expansion capability. I have it listed on a bunch of forums, Craigslist, etc.
Today I wondered about donating it with the harness, software, and extras to a non-profit school for the tax write off. Crazy?
The kids get to wire and tune, I get some benefit without answering yet another email about "the FJO looks good, but I just want to know; how difficult is it really to splice a couple dozen wires?"
Advice? Personal experience?
Tax write offs reduce your taxable income, you don't actually get the value off of a tax bill. You might see a $50-100 benefit from a $2000 donation, if that.
Dietcoke wrote:
Tax write offs reduce your taxable income, you don't actually get the value off of a tax bill. You might see a $50-100 benefit from a $2000 donation, if that.
And only if you are already itemising (have more write offs than the standard).
About donating though, I'm sure that any tech school could put it to use. Or fsae program? Just call and ask.
I may be interested in buying it. I have no idea why but part of me really wants that.
I can't tell, is that FJO-specific tuning software or do you really use TunerPro?
I teach at a public school, and I've been on the receiving end of gifts like that (though usually vehicles).
I am required to procure quotes of the value from three different sources before the school district will write you a charitable donation receipt.
You may want to see if the recipients are interested first. I've had some people offer donations that I either didn't have a use for, or they were too cool/nice/obscure and I knew it would only get ruined over time.
I know that my kids would go ape e36m3 if we had something like that to learn on. They ask me about tuning stuff all the time, and we don't have the resources to provide that for them. If you end up doing this, I would love to be first in line. I'd do whatever I can to maximize your return on investment. PM me if you decide to.
12/27/15 10:52 a.m.
I kinda may actually need that for an upcoming project, but unfortunately wouldnt have the money until Feb. If it's still around then shout at me to remind me, I'm scatterbrained.
Talk to the teacher first. If they don't know how to use one of these it will just get stuck on a shelf and never used. I think it would be a great thing to have at a school that would put it to use. It could make a huge difference for a kid to understand what is happening with engine management.
12/27/15 11:32 a.m.
If you remove the word 'local' from your post... I would LOVE to set up an engine with a standalone at my school. I'm not sure about how the charitable donation receipt works and wouldnt even be able to look into it until i go back to work on the 4th.
I have been itemizing for years, so I am aware of some of the quirks of writeoffs. I guess the school would need to be a 503c. It appears to me that our laws specifically prohibit the non-profit recipient from assigning a value; that burden is squarely on the donor, and presumably (knock-on-wood) up to the donor to prove value if audited. I don't want it to become a pain-in-the-ass gift for someone who doesn't want it.
The idea came to me when I was frustrated by the potential buyers curious enough to ask for more details, but put off by the minimal electrical work needed and not willing to dive in and learn or to ask for more help. I was thinking it could be cool to help a deserving person willing to learn about wiring, but then started thinking that selling the ECU on Craigslist probably isn't the venue to find that person. That's when the donation idea came to me, as I could get a small financial benefit plus a feel-good benefit, plus potentially helps some deserving youngsters and also be able to stop tripping over the thing.
Knurled, the tuning software is FJO-specific. At the moment it is still for sale, so you are first in line if you are interested. JThw8, I am hoping to move this thing out in January, but if I can't, I will jog your memory.
I will follow up with sesto elemento and Vigo as second and third in line to see if the donation avenue can work if I don't have any good sale offers at the end of next week.
Thanks for the thoughts and advice!
Sadly some issues came up and I can't spare the cash right now. Really I don't even have anything I could put it on, I just like weird things.