completely inspired by the Off-Topic band thread.
When I was a tween and knew nothing about driving dynamics I liked the Isuzu Amigo and Toyota Paseo. I've never driven an example of either, but have heard from people who have that they are both nothing but terrible.
(alternative title; title grammar that has you wondering what was I thinking?!?!)
Miata. F-body. Bronco II.
I like Paseos. Stock, they're pretty horrendous, though.
Z32TT, Beautiful car, good performance, heavy, nightmare to service.
I wanted one of these when I was a kid. Luckily, I had no money and by the time I had money, I knew better.

1/5/15 2:36 p.m.
In reply to Toyman01:I never wanted one of those. But I would be wealthy if I had enough sense not to be a ton of cars as smart as this or worse when I was younger. I specialize in buying them high and selling them low.
My first favorite car was a Ford Granada. Hey.....lay off... I was like 4 or 5 years old! It must have been it's grille and headlights making a friendly face. Mom drove a 68 Fairlane, so maybe it was the similarity between the two. I'm sure my Dad found it amusing when I'd point out "ooooh look a Granada! "
When I was 11 or so I had my first case of hardcore car lust-----in the form of a Porsche 924 Turbo. Yes, the early 80's --- late 70's were a dark time for the automobile. I still kinda like the looks of the 924, but outgrew the urge to own one a long.....long time ago.
Toyman01 wrote:
I wanted one of these when I was a kid. Luckily, I had no money and by the time I had money, I knew better.
As a child of the 80's, a few neighbors ended up with these parked in their backyard. I always thought they were cool as a kid.
Porsche 944 Turbo
I want my Dodge Rampage back.
80's Grand Marquis. Eleven tons of metal and plastic with about 115 hp.
G_Body_Man wrote:
Eagle Premier.
I remember being pissed that my parents bought a Dodge Spirit instead of one of those.

Man, I wanted one of these so bad. Tried to get a loan on a used AWD version and got laughed at. Turns out there was an issue with a student loan that never got consolidated properly and by the time I got it cleared up I was living in chicago and needed a mad max car more than a talon (94 Maxima SE 5 Speed was the weapon of choice.)

My HS love. Neighbor had one that he was selling for his brother. Wanted the car so bad. Got laughed out of the insurance office when I asked for a quote. Turns out 17 + Porsche = huge insurance charges (almost $250 a month)
Now no way on either one. They would both nickle and dime you to death....So I drive a turbo Toyota instead. hahaha
In reply to trucke:
My older brother had one of those. It was atrocious even after it had been T-boned (of course in typical teen style he slapped a "E36 M3 happens" bumper sticker in the middle of the caved in panel).
How they managed to screw up a lightweight RWD Japanese sedan is beyond me, but it happened.
1/5/15 4:21 p.m.
The Twins.

But only in the winter cause the windows don't work in sub-freezing temperatures.
1962 Chevys, I owned four of them in a row. That long trunk and bubble top stuck up there now look ridiculous to me, back then I just couldn't get enough of 'em !?!?
mid 70's big block monte carlo. all 200 horse of smog choked big block. dodge d50, 80's Volvo wagon and worst of all was a Bradley gt kit car until I owned one!