Track Damage Liability
: Teams entered in ANY ChumpCar event shall be liable for any and all
damage their car may have caused to the race track, race track safety barriers and/or race track
Has anyone run afoul of this little gem? Last I checked, armco barrier gets expensive in a hurry.
Luckily we've never hit anything substantial. I haven't had to pay for any of the grass I've driven through/torn up!
That's a common thing at most road courses. When our Region still had a Club Race program we would absorb that cost but obviously Chumpcar does not. They aren't the only ones who pass that cost along to the competitors.
7/17/13 7:14 a.m.
I remember being cautioned by TrackDaze leadership when at VIR
they told us that track management would charge us for armco/tire barriers and something to the tune of $50/bag for kitty litter
don't know about CMP (where I put in most of my laps) but I imagine the fine print has something about that
One of our drivers at a CC event at VIR knocked down some tires. We were billed, can't remember how much.
7/17/13 9:06 a.m.
you think that's bad ... try tearing up some grass at Barber (or so I've been told)
When I was racing it was always under the "you bent it, you bought it" assumption for the ARMCO.
IIRC, Barber charged some enormous amounts to a Porsche group for tearing up some grass. I think they have since changed their policies.
Two of our drivers have hit the tire wall. Even when the car came back with two tires (bolted together) stuck under the headlight we received no bills.
A track marshall did come to collect the tires however.