Here's what's going on
I need the top one, I currently have the bottom one and the pushrod goes through that hole. For the bottom one the pushrod in the slave cylinder is supposed to be threaded with 2 nuts so that it can be adjusted. The bottom one says that the clutch fork is for a 4 speed but I have a 5 speed. So give me your opinions for what you think I should do.
In reply to turboHLS30:
Was this current arrangement working properly before? If it was, then the simplest thing might be to try to find out what kind of slave cylinder it came with and get another one of those (assuming it comes with the appropriate pushrod).
If you haven't seen it in a working state, then I would think you'd need to find a type B lever (junkyard? ebay? z forum?), which should work with your trans and the slave cylinders you've been getting.
I know nothing about Zs, I'm making the assumption that there are exactly two Z transmissions and that what you have is a type B. If that's not the whole story, then that may not be enough information to make that call. Either a Z fan here, or a call to Z Parts, or a Z forum can probably tell you that with reasonable certainty.
Supposedly I can get the pushrod from a Datsun 620 pick-up with a 4 speed and just swap them and it should work.
I'd see if a 4 speed 240Z slave would work.
That's the plan. Usually they pull up a picture of the part, so then I'd be able to check and see.