A Coats 1010 tire changing machine turned up locally for $150, supposedly in working condition. Ive read a few stories about them breaking arms and not being good for aluminum wheels, etc... Anyone here have any experience or advice? Am I better off skipping it than not having a tire machine at all?
I was looking for one for a long time at a reasonable price. I gave up and bought a hand one for the little bit I use one. Besides, I need the workout. Next garage WILL have one,though.
I used one of those on Mercedes wheels back in the day. Just be aware what is going on and use iron condoms and common sense and you should be fine. What will you use to balance with?
I owned a 10/10 for 15 years or so and never broke my arm or an aluminum wheel. Scratched a bunch of wheels but they were for racing so I didn't care. Wish I still had it.
I dont recall ever scratching an alloy wheel with a 1010. I also have never broken any bones in my body in spite of all the stupid things I have done over the years.
i always liked the Hunter tire changers better, but Coats keep on working, far past when the hunter breaks down...