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SVreX MegaDork
2/7/20 1:56 p.m.
Mr_Asa said:

Personally, I like that I dont have to worry about talking politics here.  

Not me. I miss it. The inputs I got here improved my life and broadened my perspective.

I learned how to manage my own emotions, and respect other’s opinions. And sometimes... they were right and changed my perspective. 

ShawnG UltimaDork
2/7/20 2:05 p.m.

"Treat everyone like they know something you don't"


slowbird Dork
2/7/20 2:32 p.m.

Not to discuss politics, but I only pay attention to politics in the sense that I pay attention when the people in power enact laws or policies that will directly harm me, my family, my friends, or groups of people that I care about. Which is to say, it's pretty hard to ignore politics lately. And that's all I'm going to say about that.

06HHR Dork
2/7/20 2:38 p.m.

BTW, the thread that started this thread is now un-locked.  devil

Datsun310Guy UltimaDork
2/7/20 2:57 p.m.
06HHR said:

BTW, the thread that started this thread is now un-locked.  devil

Meanwhile we can annoy everyone and get this one locked?  I blame Herbert Hoover.  

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/7/20 3:07 p.m.
Datsun310Guy said:
06HHR said:

BTW, the thread that started this thread is now un-locked.  devil

Meanwhile we can annoy everyone and get this one locked?  I blame Herbert Hoover.  

sleepyhead the buffalo
sleepyhead the buffalo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
2/7/20 3:19 p.m.

I think a number of you undervalue the 'No Flounder Rule'.

My perspective is a bit different than y'alls... and then I became a mod.

IMHO... The short, simple, explanation is: the internet itself has changed.  Paddlers aren't just stroking around here to offer their pelts and canned meats.  And said rule is an important bulwark against a variety of canoeist that will be incredibly difficult to smoke out, and who could have damning repercussions.

Unfortunately, describing this perspective and the value the No Flounder Rule carries, has itself become a flounder topic.  And that's why I've kept this comment to myself for so long.  But, this seems like as a good a place as any to send it off into the ether.  Maybe some of you can consider a perspective on why this rule is important to the board beyond just people getting along... and how useful it will be in weeding out those that would use our space to their own ends.

Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
2/7/20 3:21 p.m.
sleepyhead the buffalo said:

I think a number of you undervalue the 'No Flounder Rule'.

My perspective is a bit different than y'alls... and then I became a mod.

IMHO... The short, simple, explanation is: the internet itself has changed.  Paddlers aren't just stroking around here to offer their pelts and canned meats.  And said rule is an important bulwark against a variety of canoeist that will be incredibly difficult to smoke out, and who could have damning repercussions.

Unfortunately, describing this perspective and the value the No Flounder Rule carries, has itself become a flounder topic.  And that's why I've kept this comment to myself for so long.  But, this seems like as a good a place as any to send it off into the ether.  Maybe some of you can consider a perspective on why this rule is important to the board beyond just people getting along... and how useful it will be in weeding out those that would use our space to their own ends.

people either get it or they get out..  It's pretty simple.

chada75 Reader
2/7/20 3:41 p.m.

Too me, It's downright moronic to tie a certain Automobile to a political view. I know people who own a dually Dodge Truck who are hardcore Liberals and Rush Limbaugh types who drive Telsas. 

Tom1200 Dork
2/7/20 3:58 p.m.

People should realize they are not superior because I am superior and so they should be content to bask in my glory.

I'm quite happy that these forums dispense with X person is the the devil and ruining our country rants are mostly absent from here. (before the mods pull this post note that X really is the devil and really is ruining everything)


sleepyhead the buffalo
sleepyhead the buffalo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
2/7/20 4:06 p.m.

In reply to Tom1200 :

You're just showing your inexperience, and bias, w/ dealing with a 'z' axis... and ever having to transpose from cartesian to polar coordinates in an earth-centered body-axis

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/7/20 4:11 p.m.
chada75 said:

Too me, It's downright moronic to tie a certain Automobile to a political view. I know people who own a dually Dodge Truck who are hardcore Liberals and Rush Limbaugh types who drive Telsas. 

That is the divisive wedge that people who wish to stoke chaos are driving.


Not just cars of course but any topic at all.   Pick any wedge issue and you will find a surprising number of people who feel the way the wedgers say they shouldn't.

Tom1200 Dork
2/7/20 5:48 p.m.

@sleepyhead the buffalo...........your people hwere made into hats, hides and burgers..........you have no standing here.



"That is the divisive wedge that people who wish to stoke chaos are driving"

Why do you assume Mopar people are divisive?


Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/7/20 6:23 p.m.
Tom1200 said:


"That is the divisive wedge that people who wish to stoke chaos are driving"

Why do you assume Mopar people are divisive?


Well you know how THEY are...  (smiley buttons are gone? imagine a smiley here, it's a joke)


Although with Wedge heads and Hemi heads... and Hemi means "half" which is an awfully binary way of seeing things...  HMM!!

Dave M
Dave M HalfDork
2/8/20 9:14 a.m.

Taking politics is great...in person. Respectfully, e.g. not with your racist uncle at Thanksgiving (ask me how I know).

Talking politics on the internet is a time-honored strategy for chaos and hyperbole.

clshore Reader
2/8/20 9:49 a.m.

The Media play 'Good Cop, Bad Cop', because it sells newspapers (feel free to substitute your medium of choice)

I like that this site is strictly non-Political.

It's not like you can't find a place in the web to express yourself, and engage in a flame war, no matter what your viewpoint.

It's just NOT going to be HERE.

I've had to jump in and shame folks on other car boards, those I agreed and disagreed with.

I took some s**t for that, but in the end, this is just glowing dots on a screen, keystrokes and mouseclicks, not reality.

dean1484 GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/8/20 9:49 a.m.

Sounds like people don't remember the events that lead up to the current rule set. It got so bad that I would not have been surprised if the doors to the patio were locked and the keys melted down. 

Be thankful for what we have here. If you want to discuss those subjects that our host has deemed disruptive take it to someone else's patio. Or better yet build your own patio and make your own rules. 

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/8/20 9:55 a.m.
clshore said: but in the end, this is just glowing dots on a screen, keystrokes and mouseclicks, not reality.




No it is not. 


And that is what leads to E36 M3posting and other levels of the G.I.F.T.: that disconnect that says "this isn't reality".


It's a medium, but the medium isn't dots and dashes and ones and zeros - it's reality, it's people.  We're all here because we all have the same itch in our brains that we want to have fun with vehicles.  Of COURSE we all have different opinions of what that entails, but that's just fine, because everyone has their own experiences and situations.  That also means that everyone has a little something they can learn from someone else, and that makes places like this a great way to be able to learn from each other, live vicariously through each other, cheer each other on even if you have no idea why someone would willingly put a Cat diesel in a Miata to go ice racing (Mad Libs randomized thing that probably someone is actually doing).


..I was going somewhere with this and I lost it while thinking about weird E36 M3 again.  No matter, point is:  Be excellent to each other.

vwcorvette GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
2/8/20 11:33 a.m.

In before the lock.

stuart in mn
stuart in mn MegaDork
2/8/20 11:40 a.m.

Words right from the owners of this forum.  This was posted at the top of the off topic section, but the rules apply here as well:


Hi, and welcome to our Off Topic forum. We invite conversation on a variety of topics here, but with the following caveats. Please note that failure to adhere to these rules will result in expulsion from the forum--not because we like being dicks, but because we want to establish and maintain a pleasant, fun atmosphere here. So keep in mind that:

You are at a party. A nice cocktail party with a mix of people--some friends, some strangers. Therefore you will observe basic rules of etiquette:

You will refrain from politics, religion, or droning on long after the rest of the party has walked away from a conversation. Not because these topics are delicious forbidden fruit that you can't have because the world has nambified and now sucks, but because it's rude, and has been since the days when a "real man" would just deck you for talking that way in front of a mixed crowd. Besides, although you can't see it, you look like an shiny happy person standing there in the middle of the room spouting and arguing with yourself. And shiny happy people are not fun. 

You will try to raise your standards, since this particular party has some pretty smart people present and, once again, you don't want to look like an idiot standing in the middle of the room. 

You will not expect democracy or "free speech." You are in my house, and if you offend me, I'm sure as E36 M3 gonna kick you out. Double that if you make me look bad to the neighbors (i.e. my present and prospective customers). Don't take my house for granted, and clean up after yourself.

Welcome newcomers to the party. You were new once. No party is more dead than the one with the cliquish group over in the corner staring suspiciously at the dip. So open your ears, close your mouth, and make sure you mingle. Your new best friend may have just arrived.

And if the "party" metaphor doesn't work, let me lay this out: This here forum is for my business (wowza, what a concept). Tim and I have spent 30+ years building that business, especially the tone and flavor of that business, and you are crazy if you feel entitled to dictate that it be any different from what we, and the people we work with, have chosen and worked to promulgate. So don't expect some kindergarten "fairness" here, and don't try to enforce saloon rules either. We're shooting for a middle ground we like to call "adult conversation."

Thanks. Have fun. Mingle.


noddaz GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/8/20 2:20 p.m.

You want thread lock do you?  Well, we have your thread lock right here.

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