PHeller PowerDork
9/25/14 3:25 p.m.

No, not twins, but getting two of the same car.

I'm selling off the formerly stanced and beat to berkley Miata, but I have certainly enjoyed life with two vehicles.

Ford ZX2 are cheap and plentiful, I know the common problems, I've got spare parts, and having two of them would allow parts swapping. I'd really like a white one, maybe to have fun with (drop and wide wheels) and the other to continue driving into the ground (185,000 on the clock). Anyone own multiples of the same daily driver?

turboswede GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
9/25/14 3:33 p.m.

Yep. It sucked. The cars were either mildly different enough to annoy you with their differences.

Or they were wildly different and would annoy you because of their differences.

More and more, I'm finding that I prefer simplifying my life and having more than one car to do the same things or share the same failures/limitations is annoying. If I'm going to have more than one car, one will be a DD and only gets maintenance and simple bolt-on stuff. The others can be wild and stupid and if they never run then who cares as I'm having fun.

Just my $.02

PHeller PowerDork
9/25/14 3:37 p.m.

I certainly did enjoy the fact the Miata was relatively easy to work on compared to the tight spaces of a FWD vehicle.

Duke UltimaDork
9/25/14 4:11 p.m.

I had a white '95 Neon Sport sedan, with ATX. SWMBO decided she liked driving it better than the minivan just about the time I decided I really missed driving MTX. So I gave it to her, and bought a white '95 Neon ACR sedan. We kept the pair for about 5 years.

It was nice, because any of the OE white alloys I found, I bought, knowing they'd go on both cars. I also scored a factory leather interior for the Sport, which meant the ACR got the much nicer seats out of the Sport.

ProDarwin UltraDork
9/25/14 4:33 p.m.

I'm 90% sure that next time we change cars, we will have 2 of the same car.

I like knowing a car like the back of my hand. I'm methodical with my maintenance, and often anal about finding the right parts. I'd much rather do the research only once. A job is much easier to repeat the second time.

Combine that with easily swapped wheels/tires, the possiblity of spare parts, easier to stock up on general maintenance suppliest, etc.

Also, when driving older/E36 M3tier cars, if the first car has a failure, you know to expect it/prevent it in the second car.

PHeller wrote: I certainly did enjoy the fact the Miata was relatively easy to work on compared to the tight spaces of a FWD vehicle.

For probably 95% of the work I've done, my DD is a lot easier to work on than the Miata.

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
9/25/14 4:39 p.m.

I'd like to have two Cherokees.

Beyond that... hell no.

I mean, we'll probably always have two Miatas, but the only things similar between the two will probably be bodies.

SEADave Reader
9/25/14 4:43 p.m.

I have an 81 Trans Am and a 78 Firebird Esprit, which are kind of the same car. I haven't swapped much between them, but at some point I will. In a way I think I would have made a lot more progress in their builds if I just focused on one of them.

clutchsmoke Dork
9/25/14 4:57 p.m.

Multiple civics have been had here. Being able to swap wheels and other stuff was nice. And having one relatively stock for DD was especially nice.

johndej Reader
9/25/14 5:11 p.m.

I've got a 92-red-miata-5speed and my dad just picked up a 94-red-miata-auto (because it was $800). It's been good giving his a refresher and noticing the slight changes between the two cars that 90% of other folks would never notice.

mndsm MegaDork
9/25/14 6:29 p.m.

Corollas. For some reason, I can never have enough Corollas. Damn things are like mice and cockroaches combined. They multiply and never die.

ebonyandivory SuperDork
9/25/14 6:42 p.m.

Had two Samurais. So great to have spares. Especially if you drove it in the rocks !

fiesta54 New Reader
9/25/14 10:47 p.m.

I really prefer having variety. It's nice having something at both ends of the spectrum.

Vigo PowerDork
9/26/14 12:29 p.m.

I guess it depends on how you define "same". I have owned a ton of K-car based stuff and still have 6.

As far as different, they currently range from 2.2 to 3.8 liters, 4 cyl and v6, turbo and non turbo, 3spd, 4spd, 5spd, 2 dr, 3 dr, 4dr, hatchback, sedan, wagon, minivan, convertible.

So, kind of the same, kind of hugely different.

I've owned multiple of the same model many times, but as far as having two at the same time, that would be Caravans, Dynastis, Aries, Lancers, Insights, f2t Mazdas, Cherokees.. aw crap i give up. I guess it's a lot. I'm definitely not against it but usually i only own two to swap stuff from one to the other and then junk/sell one.

Dusterbd13 Dork
9/26/14 12:38 p.m.

Ive done it. But lately I enjoy variety. So for the last few years, when I finished a build and sold it, all my sspare parts went in the deal.

I only want to build another neon. That and the protege5 are the only repeats in the last 7 years. Also, another 97-04 dakota. Still haven'tggotten those out of my system.

captdownshift GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
9/26/14 12:55 p.m.

I prefer cousins, where a large amount of components are shared yet the chassis is different or the drivetrain layout is different. My favorite setup as this is NA miatas and BG chassis 323/protégés.

93EXCivic MegaDork
9/26/14 2:31 p.m.

I own a '93 Civic and a '99 Civic. So I am kinda there but I am bored with it.

failboat UltraDork
9/26/14 2:46 p.m.

Never owned 2 of the same car at the same time. I have always had a spare vehicle for at least the past 10 years. Right now we have 2 spare vehicles.

The spares for me have always been drastically different from their DD counterparts, from a practicality standpoint they serve a purpose.

For at least a year we had our 2 DD hatchbacks and a Grand Marquis as a spare. Aside from being a great spare vehicle, it was essentially pointless in our fleet. We traded it in along with my wife's car when we bought her a new one. A year later we bought a used truck which is an awesome thing to have around as a homeowner in the country. Our other spare was sort of superceded by the truck for hauling duty, but we keep it around because it does have 4wd. Doesnt gets used much anymore but earns its keep when it does.

I can see the appeal of owning more than one of the same or similar vehicle. If you realllly like them. In my case ive never been attached to a particular car in that way, I would end up choosing a "favorite" and using that one and the other one would probably sit 80-90% of the time.

bravenrace MegaDork
9/26/14 2:52 p.m.

I like that my CRX and Civic share parts, and now even my Miata can use the same wheels. Economies of scale, and none of them are duplicates of the other.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess MegaDork
9/26/14 3:02 p.m.

We have His and Her's LS400's. 98 and 99.

MG Bryan
MG Bryan SuperDork
9/26/14 4:59 p.m.

I have an MGB and an MGB GT. I suppose those are different enough to not count though.

Junkyard_Dog SuperDork
9/26/14 5:18 p.m.

I've had 3 NA Miatas at once a few times. ACVWs require you to have AT LEAST four at a time. I've had 2 RWD Volvo turbo wagons but not in a row. When I sold the first I sold all the spares with it. When I got the second I had to collect it all over again. Now I just try to get things I haven't had.

It's a fairly short list.

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess MegaDork
9/26/14 5:52 p.m.

Did I mention two Europas? One's an S2 and one's a TCS, so they are not exactly the same, unlike the 98 and 99 LS400's.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
9/26/14 6:25 p.m.

My wife and I have both owned B16A-powered Hondas at the same time.

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