mattmagee New Reader
10/19/14 9:48 p.m.

I was in New Jersey for work and came back to the hotel one night to find a half dozen or so 2015 Mustangs in the parking lot, all with manufacturer's tags. I waited around until someone showed up (I'm stubborn like that) and got nosey. Turns out Ford is touring the country with the new Mustangs giving test drives. They call it the Mustang Bucket List ( as signing up for the test drive enters you in a sweepstakes for a "Bucket List" vacation. Certainly, this is very good fortune for me! The crew told me all about the event and I hung out with them for a while listening to the expected car guy/gal stories. Great people.

I have a 2013 V-6 Performance Package 6M car, so I've been itching for some seat time with the new car. My interest is in the Ecoboost, so as luck would have it that's what they had. I didn't get to run it very hard as one would expect considering the circumstances, but I gave it a little boot to "turn 1" :) The turbo motor feels much stronger than the 3.7 in my car even with the automatic. The boost comes on early and makes for impressive torque from a 2.3 I'd like to try an automatic and a manual, but the short drive definitely piqued my interest. We'll see how I like it on a longer test drive once they are at the dealers.

Got to ride in a GT piloted by a professional driver (whose name I sadly have forgotten) which was fun. He commented very favorably on the new rear suspension. 20 years ago we had to work really hard to get a car to run this hard and the result was not nearly this civilized. Now you just pick it up at he dealer crank up the A/C and go.

Check the schedule on the site, maybe there's one nearby. I was a bit disappointed they were not coming through Atlanta, but honestly, they sell tons of Mustangs in Georgia already, so maybe not much opportunity around here to influence buyers.

Forgive the pics as all I had was my phone.

Nick_Comstock PowerDork
10/19/14 10:18 p.m.

bgkast GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
10/19/14 11:27 p.m.

Nice. Too bad they aren't visiting the PNW.

JohnRW1621 UltimaDork
10/20/14 1:05 p.m.

Mr. Suddard et al,

It may be time examine if you have some influence with Ford.
To me there is a glaring ommision and opportunity within the Ford Mustang Event Schedule.
The are in Philly on Oct 16th and then in Orlando on Oct 27th.
This means they have no event planned for Oct 24 or 25 though they may be in North Florida. It also just so happens that you have a drag strip rented with an Autox course set up!!!

I know Fiat is planned???
I hope I am not spoiling a surprise (but what a great surprise it would be!)

I can assure you that Aussie Steve will buy one if you can get them there.

Subaru is Challenging Road Kill (Hot Rod).
Should Mustang be Challenging GRM?

Ian F
Ian F UltimaDork
10/20/14 2:53 p.m.

Damn... Oct 16 was last week... had no idea.

mattmagee New Reader
10/21/14 6:26 p.m.

I thought much of the same JohnRW1621 and mentioned that to them. I referenced GRM as a great way to reach the type of buyers waiting for the IRS car. I also lobbied for a visit in the ATL area as it is between two of the country's greatest road courses (Road Atlanta and Barber) but was not successful :(

slowride Reader
11/12/14 5:27 p.m.

I saw one "in the wild" yesterday. It looked a little strange tbh... the front end seems higher than the back?? Anyway it was yellow and stopped next to me in road construction traffic so I spotted it right away. No idea what model. Would drive.

RexSeven UberDork
11/12/14 8:18 p.m.

Damn, no events near Boston.

irish44j PowerDork
11/12/14 9:37 p.m.
slowride wrote: I saw one "in the wild" yesterday. It looked a little strange tbh... the front end seems higher than the back?? Anyway it was yellow and stopped next to me in road construction traffic so I spotted it right away. No idea what model. Would drive.

I saw one on my commute this morning. A black one, looked like a V6 model. The front looks WEIRD in person. The hood from the side has a really un-natural shape to it (reminded me of a whale or something). And yeah, the front end does look un-naturally high.

Overall, I was pretty excited looking at pics online and the top-end model at the Washington Auto Show. But seeing an actual production car on the road, color me pretty unimpressed with the appearance of the car, at least forward of the A-pillar (the back half looked pretty good).

One thing I can say for it is that other than the bulge-y hood, the car did look smaller than past Mustang models.

slowride Reader
11/13/14 9:08 a.m.

OK, so it's not just me then. I thought the body-colored whatever under the rear bumper was a little strange looking also, at least on the yellow one I saw.

Basil Exposition
Basil Exposition Dork
11/13/14 10:07 a.m.
mattmagee wrote: I was in New Jersey for work and came back to the hotel one night to find a half dozen or so 2015 Mustangs in the parking lot, all with manufacturer's tags. I waited around until someone showed up (I'm stubborn like that) and got nosey. Turns out Ford is touring the country with the new Mustangs giving test drives. They call it the Mustang Bucket List ( as signing up for the test drive enters you in a sweepstakes for a "Bucket List" vacation. Certainly, this is very good fortune for me! The crew told me all about the event and I hung out with them for a while listening to the expected car guy/gal stories. Great people. I have a 2013 V-6 Performance Package 6M car,

I've scanned through a couple of the buff-book reviews. The thing that most interests me about it is they say that the greenhouse has been rejiggered to provide less of a sitting-in-a-bucket-looking-over-the-lip feel of the interior/seating/viewing position. One magazine called the previous design as "Fortress Mustang." What was your impression of the 2015 vs the 2013 on this point? This is important to me, because I had previously written off the Mustang as a candidate because I hated that bucket feel (even worse in the Camaro, I understand).

Another mag said the fit and finish has improved to be "almost as good as BMW," though that's less important to me.

ultraclyde SuperDork
11/13/14 10:22 a.m.

Sitting in my 05 it has one of the highest beltlines I've experienced, and the '12 I sat in wasn't much different. I sat in a 15 GT at the dealership and it is a little better. The interior generally feels a LOT nicer in materielas and craftsmanship than my 05, and is a step up from the 12 but not a galactic jump. In person they do look....awkward. Some of the aftermarket treatments (Steeda Q) look better because there are more fins and crap to break up the lines a little.

I won't be trading up but I sure wish I could retrofit my interior. Leather door panels in a pony car, what a concept.

grafmiata SuperDork
11/13/14 9:57 p.m.

Having finally seeing a few in person, ummm... I just don't know. The profile just looks like a bad photo-chop to me.

From the side, it just looks like it's always going slightly up-hill. Also, the c-pillar looks incredibly generic.

Also, the two "character-lines" on the door appear to be an aftethought, to an afterthought, that someone forgot to have.

I really wanted to like this car, but I just can't.

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