ishou New Reader
4/14/15 5:39 p.m.

Since my commute is 70 miles round trip, I am thinking of buying more fuel efficent car.

In local Craigslist, someone is selling Insight.

Here is the seller's descriptions.

-300,0000 miles

-A/c does not work.

-IMA battery is seen better days but does not throw an ima code.

-Check engine light is on for p0420 rear O2 -There is a small exhaust leak coming from under the car

He is asking $2400.

I know it's a Honda, 300,000 miles is still a lot of miles. Since body is made out of aluminium, rust should not be an issue, right? What's the GRM's opinion about this car?

mr2peak GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
4/14/15 5:44 p.m.

Pull the hybrid stuff, and swap it with something interesting

mazdeuce PowerDork
4/14/15 5:53 p.m.

Vigo was driving his without a battery pack and enjoyed it. Or said he did.

Vigo PowerDork
4/14/15 7:28 p.m.

Yeah, but you have to be very special to enjoy it.

I honestly dont think most people can handle driving an insight with a dead battery pack.

Granted, that one isn't dead, but it would be better if it WAS dead and the car was $1800 cheaper so you could buy a new pack and have a kickass car for $2400.

Both of my 1st gen insights have 330k+ miles, both make oil pressure on 0-20 oil, and both make 180-200psi compression. Engines will probably not be your problem.

The crazy gear spacing makes most people ruin their synchros by downshifting into 1st every time they go below 20 mph. So worry about that instead!

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