12/6/09 11:20 a.m.

This has started to get passed around - I'm not sure of it's origin.


Its over 4 minutes long - well worth it

Carson Dork
12/6/09 11:57 a.m.

I think that aired during that show "American Dreams" from a few years back.

DrBoost HalfDork
12/6/09 11:58 a.m.

Totally unimpressed. It seems like a loooooooon commercial just to have the exact thing we all expected happen. And "Kyle" was a worse actor than Clinton.
I don't know what was so special about that. The best part was hearing the motor run for a few seconds. Other than that, not impressed. Seems to me the money spent on that commercial could have been spent on making better cars or interiors that have even panel gaps or something?

curtis73 GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
12/6/09 1:44 p.m.

I'm a little ticked off that "dad" wasn't out getting anything real that would prevent seeing his son, and then he just buys him off with a Mustang. My dad bought me a cheap used pile of junk to drive but he hugged me. I'd rather have it that way.

mtn SuperDork
12/6/09 1:55 p.m.

In reply to DrBoost and curtis:

Yeah, I agree with you, but I think you might be looking too deep into it. Just appreciate it for what it is, don't go analyzing it too much. Its a commercial, albeit a "deep" one. I've met some dads (my best friends dad) who most would say is an shiny happy person that doesn't care for his kids (or for that matter, anyone), but I've seen the evidence that he loves him with all his heart.

dean1484 GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/6/09 1:57 p.m.

I like it. So where is GM's add? or Chrysler? Ohya I forgot who just purchased them and who runs that show now.

What did you expect a Miata in the garage?

So ya it is a little old and we all knew how it was going to end. It is baseball apple pie middle America good stuff!! It also makes me proud to know those guys and ladies are out there. If I had it my way every one of them would get a new mustang when they got home.. .. Ok if not the Mustang a Miata.

The acting sucked but at least Ford made an attempt to say thanks to those that served. Another reason why Ford has got my business. One more reason why I am proud to say "Ya I own a Ford".

Sofa King
Sofa King Reader
12/6/09 2:37 p.m.

OK, yes it's a little overly dramatic. But, go to car shows or cruises anywhere, and listen to the guys that came back from Viet Nam, and listen to how many of them bought a car as the first major thing that they did. If they still own it, it means more to them than just about anything, if they don't still have it they wish that the did, and the car they brought to the show is probably an attempt to recapture that feeling. Sons don't always understand their fathers, and fathers aren't always the father that they want to be. I think that this piece shows that, and the father is atleast trying to show his son that he understands a little about what he is going through. It isn't "here take this car and forgive me for not always being there for you". its "I hope this car will mean as much to you as mine has"! As for whether Ford should be commended for the spot or not, I am not sure that they are being patriotic, perhaps they are, but at least they are trying to develop an emotional connection to their cars. So many cars today have the personality of a toaster. That's not necessarily bad, but you never seem to fondly remember that first toaster that you bought!

DrBoost HalfDork
12/6/09 3:34 p.m.

The moral is: "yes son, you risked your life for this country, as did I. I don't care enough to actually show you any affection so I'll spend about 17K on a car (after my A-plan). That should fix it."
Now, here's a commercial that makes an emotional connection. It shows different models in the range, as well as linking the brand to very historical events.
Or this one, dramatic on purpose and funny
OK, I don't like the Durango, but this is a GREAT commercial
"you should come by tomorrow, I'll be waxin' it"

aussiesmg SuperDork
12/6/09 4:04 p.m.

Sorry Boost but how do you go from a patriotic and heartfelt gesture from father to son and compare it to two numbnuts who don't even know enough to not talk at the urinal. A serious breach of man-rule by the way.

Not seeing the connection.

DrBoost HalfDork
12/6/09 4:30 p.m.

Oh the Durango commercial was just funny. Not meant to bring up any heart warming emotions.

forzav12 New Reader
12/6/09 8:38 p.m.

The emo contrarians notwithstanding, I thought it was a great ad.

socalwrench New Reader
12/6/09 10:49 p.m.

I actually liked this commercial very much. It places third, after 'Rotating F-150' (via one cable, with Mike Rowe) and the remade 'If You Built It- Bullitt' (with Steve McQueen).

Honestly, at least Ford made an attempt at thanking military personnel. You're not going to see Toyota doing it.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker SuperDork
12/6/09 11:13 p.m.
Jamesc2123 Reader
12/6/09 11:18 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: I present the single greatest Ford commercial in history.

WOW did not expect that to happen....imagine trying to make a commercial like that on this side of the pond. they'd probably sue just for proposing it...

mtn SuperDork
12/6/09 11:39 p.m.
Jamesc2123 wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: I present the single greatest Ford commercial in history.
WOW did not expect that to happen....imagine trying to make a commercial like that on this side of the pond. they'd probably sue just for proposing it...


kreb GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/7/09 7:56 a.m.

Hokey, yes, but I eally enjoyed it. All advertisments don't have to be hip or ironic.

minimac Dork
12/7/09 9:41 a.m.
kreb wrote: Hokey, yes, but I eally enjoyed it. All advertisments don't have to be hip or ironic.

That's right.....and if you ever came back from war, maybe you'd understand it.

DrBoost HalfDork
12/7/09 10:09 a.m.

No, not all adverts have to be hip or ironic but this one was soo incredibly long, freakin 5 minutes to get to the conclusion I had at the 35 second mark.
I mean, I know no father is perfect but your boy comes back from a war and you are too busy driving around in your precious little car to even meet him at the airport, or be there when he get's there. You just drive up at some point during this coming home party to give him a crap box car? And he still isn't good enough to drive your car? Jeeze. I see that and think, "oh, THAT'S why the kid joined the army, to get away from his crappy home life".
Ok, Ford thanked the troops by making a self promotional video, while Chrysler does this by taking a real stand in support Pentagon Channel
and GM did things like partnering with a non-profit company to keep letters of thanks streaming overseas to boost troop moral.
Sorry, maybe I'm just jaded or a jerk or something but that "commercial" just rubs me the wrong way.

jstein77 HalfDork
12/7/09 10:56 a.m.

I thought it was well done too.

dean1484 GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/7/09 9:12 p.m.
DrBoost wrote: Snip<< Sorry, maybe I'm just jaded or a jerk or something but that "commercial" just rubs me the wrong way.

To each his own I guess. At first I was a little put off by your comments but I admire your honesty!!!

Some people go off to war. Some put carnations in gun barrels. Many are somewhere in between. It is what makes this great county tick.

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