Maybe this topic comes up a lot, so smack me down if necessary. But I have a full complement of GRMs going way back to 2000 that I'm giving away. I'll pay shipping to mail 1 or 2 issues. Any more than that I'll ask you to cough up some cash.
Of course, I reserve veto power if you're asking for an issue that I still want. And I do have an upper limit on how much postage I'll pay for. So get your requests in quickly. PM me or post on this thread.
Best -- David
Kudos to you.
Do you happen to have (and will part with) June 2003?
I'll be more than happy to send some funds your way via paypal.
How much postage would you want for the whole run?
OneCrackedEgg wrote:
How much postage would you want for the whole run?
What he said, if that doesn't go through. 46237.
Hmm, I'm one of those people that get suspicious about such postings. It's been a while since I been here but looking at wludavid's posts, this is his only one. Can anyone vouch for him as legit? But it seems he may be a lurker since he's been a member since 9/3/2008.
Don't want to give your address to total strangers w/o full confidence.
phillyj wrote:
Hmm, I'm one of those people that get suspicious about such postings. It's been a while since I been here but looking at wludavid's posts, this is his only one. Can anyone vouch for him as legit? But it seems he may be a lurker since he's been a member since 9/3/2008.
Don't want to give your address to total strangers w/o full confidence.
Careful, don't want a gift of white powder? Of course, in the 70s, i hear people used to LOOK for that in envelopes.
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Careful, don't want a gift of white powder? Of course, in the 70s, i hear people used to LOOK for that in envelopes.
No, I wasn't thinking of that. Do people still "spam" over the mail?
I'm just being careful, that's all.
phillyj wrote:
93celicaGT2 wrote:
Careful, don't want a gift of white powder? Of course, in the 70s, i hear people used to LOOK for that in envelopes.
No, I wasn't thinking of that. Do people still "spam" over the mail?
I'm just being careful, that's all.
I'm just poking fun, don't take me seriously. Well, ever, really. 
As for people spamming over the mail? I did just get a useless letter from the government telling me that i'd be receiving another letter from them in the near future. Does that count?
Nah, i think you're fine. I doubt the OP laid in wait for a year and a half for the ideal time to spring his trap on an unsuspecting victim. 
Hey Dave, I sent a PM down your way.
Why are you getting rid of them anyways?
I still got my old Popular Science and Nat. Geographic mags, which I look at occasionally and see how the world has changed since then.
I don't remember the issue but back in or around 2000 I think there was an article on what it took to build a 3 series BMW motor to the performance spec of an M3. I think it was building it out to a 2.7 using a diesel crank or something? anyway if you had that mag I would really like that one.
I'd take any of the challenge issues you're willing to give up.
let me know, I am interested, my back issues collection takes up a closet...I probably should offload some of them....but no, gimme more!
I'll gladly pay shipping for the 2000-2003 issues.
please contact me or three three six 689 three nine three seven
3/10/10 1:40 a.m.
sent you a message...have any left?
dean1484 wrote:
I don't remember the issue but back in or around 2000 I think there was an article on what it took to build a 3 series BMW motor to the performance spec of an M3. I think it was building it out to a 2.7 using a diesel crank or something? anyway if you had that mag I would really like that one.
Are you talking about the 2.7i (2.7L Super ETA and "i" head)? Here's something for the regular "e" to "i" conversion: