I was replacing my gas tank straps on my tundra this morning because they were on their last leg. Front one was simple enough but then want to replace the rear and found this:
I ghetto rigged it with a ratchet strap to reinforce the strap but that mount is just hanging on (I noticed it because it all twisted when I went to take out the bolt)
Any thoughts on easy fixes? Or will it be an expensive pain in the ass?
How is the mount attached to the frame?
Looks like it's welded to the cross member.
Can't really tell the areas pretty crusty.
If you are going to fix it yourself I would:
- if the bracket is spot welded drill it out if there is access to remount with a bolt
- see if the cross member it is mounted to is removable
I would head over to a parts yard recon and find a Tundra where the tank is gone.
Also, while you are under yours do whatever can be done with the tank out (hoses, pump, and rust treat)
So the main cross member is available from Toyota. It's bolted to the bottom of the frame but has 3 large rivet kinda things on the top mounting it to the frame rail. How big of a pain are the rivets to replace?
So, if I'm hearing you correctly, you have a Toyota truck with a rusty frame member.
Well, I'll be jiggered.
The rivets can be replaced with bolts. If the crossmember comes with bolts, great. If not, get the old stuff out, install the new on with the bolts the old one used, then drill the rivet holes to the next larger size of bolts, and rattle them in.
If there's anything left of the frame to put the bolts through.
80sFast said:
So the main cross member is available from Toyota. It's bolted to the bottom of the frame but has 3 large rivet kinda things on the top mounting it to the frame rail. How big of a pain are the rivets to replace?
Once you drill out the old rivets install the new cross with bolts. As Streetwise points out check the mounting points to be sure they are solid. I would clean up as much as possible and coat / paint to deter further rust.
I presume the new cross comes with the tank brackets - correct?
80sFast said:
Any thoughts on easy fixes? Or will it be an expensive pain in the ass?
Already looks fixed from here!
In reply to L5wolvesf :
I'm assuming it does, I need to see the schematics on my desktop to see it better though.
In reply to Streetwiseguy :
The frame looks good on the top, bottom, and outside around the cross member. Hopefully I'll be able to just clean it up. I've been using fluid film pretty heavily since I've purchased the truck.